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sherly sylvia
Sep 06, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
The best multivitamin supplements for men have the function of providing all the trace elements, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, necessary for the optimal functioning of the body. Regardless of how balanced the diet is, due to the processing of our food, overcooking, and even the microwave irradiation used to reheat it, there is a latent danger that we are lacking some essential nutrient. Benefits of multivitamin supplements in men Multivitamin supplements have the function of increasing the metabolic rate or the physiological processes of the human body, as well as increasing the synthesis of DNA and proteins in cells. · Consume Vitamin C, E, Zinc and beta carotenes (vitamin A): it has been shown to reduce the risk of macular degeneration (loss of vision), or slow its progression in patients who already suffer from it, in the same way it is believed that it can reduce other possible eye injuries, related to aging. · Vitamin D and Calcium: Numerous studies have shown that men who consume them as daily supplements exhibit higher bone density (stronger bones). Helping prevent osteoporosis. It is a mistake to believe that this disease only affects postmenopausal women. · Vitamin E: consuming high levels of this vitamin, has a hepatoprotective effect, that is, it protects liver cells and helps their regeneration, preventing liver cirrhosis. · Magnesium and Zinc: low levels of these two trace elements have been associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. There is moderate evidence that daily supplements of both minerals reduce symptoms of chronic fatigue after 14 days. · Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and folic acid: they are used by anti-aging medicine, with moderate evidence, to slow down the appearance or progression of expression lines, signs of aging on the skin of the face, neck and hands. · Zinc, Copper, and Chromium: It is believed that they may have a beneficial effect on the control or regulation of blood sugar levels in patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Is there a difference between multivitamin supplements for men and women? Yes, since they are two different products, designed for different organisms, with similar needs, but with different requirements in daily quantities, and small variations in their components. · Without iron. Multivitamin supplements for men should not have iron, or contain very little of this mineral, since in general terms, it is not necessary because men maintain large deposits of this mineral and its consumption can cause constipation. Women, because of their menstruation, require greater amounts of iron. · Never Phytoestrogens, some multivitamin supplements include certain plants that contain phytoestrogens, which are negative for the male body because they are precursors of female hormones. What are the associated risks of taking multivitamin supplements? There is no associated risk if government approved multivitamin supplements are consumed. Since being supplements, the digestive system will only absorb the required amounts each day, and will excrete any remaining or excess. However, it is important to emphasize the latent threat of unregulated products, homeopathic or alternative medicines, which do not adequately report their ingredients or the amounts present. This could lead to consuming some products that are toxic or that may interfere with the absorption or effect of other medications. As tempting as it may seem, you should never take testosterone supplements, if they have not been prescribed by your doctor, as they increase the risk of prostate cancer. Remember adequate nutrition is required. The 6 Best Multivitamin Supplements for Men Listed below are recommended multivitamin supplements for men. 1. Vitamin C, E and beta-carotenes: these vitamins have the greatest antioxidant effect, this means that they reduce the amount of products called free radicals, whose presence causes damage and death of cells. By eliminating free radicals, tissue oxidation is prevented, thus accelerated aging. 2. Vitamin D: This is responsible for regulating the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the body; therefore, it regulates cell and muscle mobility, the immune system, and cell regeneration. 3. Complex B, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine, Biotin, and Folic Acid among others, are associated with protective effects of the cardiovascular system, by lowering blood pressure and promoting cell regeneration. In addition to that the B complex promotes the function of the central nervous system, and is believed to have a protective effect on nerve endings and nerves. 4. Taurine and Tyrosine: Both amino acids are believed to stimulate metabolism and decrease exhaustion. Taurine has a mild protective effect on the heart and blood vessels. 5. Arginine: Arginine stimulates the production of a product called nitric oxide, which is responsible for dilating blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and improving flow to tissues, especially in the penis. 6. Essential minerals: Magnesium, calcium zinc, phosphorus etc. They are required for cell regeneration and function. Managing stress can help rejuvenate hair from the drastic loss you were experiencing. Panic and stress are the twin enemies of any woman who has a scalp full of amazing hair. They should try to channel their stress and anxiety with the help of exercises or yoga. Swimming and other aerobic exercises help reduce stress and increase endurance. Restolin Hair Reviews
sherly sylvia
Sep 06, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
In recent years, probiotics have become increasingly popular. They can be found everywhere, from your favorite yogurt to a gum pack. One of the main reasons that foods and supplements containing a variety of probiotic strains have become so popular is that the health benefits of probiotics have become more apparent in recent years. The following are the best probiotics for anxiety, eczema, diarrhea, and more. Some of these benefits include better digestion, a stronger immune system, weight loss, and reduced risk of disease. With the increase in research on our microbiome that also details these benefits and the importance of good gut health, probiotics could hold the key to tackling several health problems. How Probiotics Help Protect You Everyone's gut contains thousands of living microorganisms, some good and some bad. When you have too many harmful bacteria in your gut, you can experience health problems like poor digestion, illness, a weak immune system, fatigue, joint pain, weight gain, to name a few. The key to regulating the gut microbiome is to eliminate the pathogens (harmful bacteria) that cause health problems with the good bacteria in probiotics. One of the main health problems that occur as a result of harmful bacteria in your gut is the release of harmful chemicals. These chemicals include bactericides, acetic acid, and lactic acid. Probiotics can address these health problems as they contain good bacteria that regulate your gut microbiome. The “friendly and healthy bacteria” in probiotics strengthen the immune system by forming a barrier against harmful bacteria and allowing good bacteria to flourish. To get the full benefits of probiotics through food and supplements, you need to make sure you are ingesting probiotics that effectively bind to the good bacteria already present in your gut. This process occurs when the good bacteria from probiotics adhere to tissues in the intestinal mucus and epithelial cells, the cells that absorb nutrition and protect the body from harmful substances. It is important to note that permanent colonization of probiotics ingested through food and supplements is unlikely. This means that you need to eat food regularly or take supplements that contain "healthy, friendly bacteria." The best probiotics for certain health conditions Probiotics can help solve various health problems, from mental health problems to physical ailments and illnesses. The good bacteria that can help treat these health problems are contained in certain probiotic foods and supplements. Some foods that contain "health-friendly bacteria" include yogurt, fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi, pickles, tempeh, kefir, and miso. When buying these foods, take a look at the packaging to see what strains of probiotics they contain. Each probiotic supplement and food contain different strains of good bacteria, so it is important to understand which strain you need. Here is a list of common health problems that can be cured with the "unhealthy bacteria" in certain foods and probiotics. Anxiety The digestive system has a significant impact on your mood. The best specific probiotic strains that can help cure anxiety are Lactobacillus heleveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175. (4) Antibiotic-induced diarrhea Antibiotics can be harsh on the digestive system and cause problems like diarrhea. Antibiotic-induced diarrhea occurs when your digestive system is not resolved by antibiotics. A recent study found that Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Saccharomyces boulardii strains could reduce the risk of antibiotic-induced diarrhea by 51%. (5) Best probiotics for colic Several probiotic strains can relieve pain and distress in babies, including: · Bifidobacterium breve PXN 25 · Bifidobacterium infantis PXN 27 · Lactobacillus casei PXN 37 · Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66PXN 37 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66. (6) Dental caries Some studies have found that probiotics can have a positive impact on dental health. The probiotic strain that can help prevent cavities and improve dental health is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. (7) Constipation Several strains of probiotics can relieve constipation, including: · Bifidobacterium breve PXN 25 · Bifidobacterium infantis PXN 27 · Lactobacillus acidophilus PXN 35 · Lactobacillus casei PXN 37 · Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66PXN 37 · Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66. (8) Eczema Various probiotic strains can help cure eczema. These strains include: · Bifidobacterium breve PXN 25; Bifidobacterium infantis PXN 27 · Lactobacillus acidophilus PXN 35 · Lactobacillus casei PXN 37 · lactobacillus delbruceckii ssp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66 PXN 37 · Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66. (9) Mastitis The probiotic strain Lactobacillus fermentum CECT5716 can help cure mastitis. (10) Best probiotics for weight loss Strains from the lactobacillus family have been found to be the best probiotics for weight loss (11). Some yogurts on the market contain lactobacillus fermentum or lactobacillus amylovorus. Otherwise, you can look for probiotic supplements that include these strains. While there may not be one pill or supplement that can fix all of your health problems, it's worth considering the variety of health benefits that can be gained through including a probiotic supplement or fermented foods in your diet. Remember that different strains of probiotics have different effects, so you need to identify and understand your symptoms before you start taking a probiotic supplement. And as with any supplement or medication, you should consult a medical professional before starting anything new. Probiotics are not for everyone, and you should only take a supplement if you are experiencing a variety of symptoms and health problems that could be resolved with supplementation. Glucomannan is one among many weight loss pills that has been tried to work. This soluble, natural dietary fiber comes from the roots of the konjac plant, also referred to as the arum. Glucomannan is low in calories, takes up house within the abdomen and delays stomach remotion. It conjointly reduces the absorption of protein and fat, and feeds the helpful gut bacteria. Its exceptional ability to absorb water is believed to be what makes it so effective for weight loss. One capsule is ready to show a complete glass of water into gel. Altai Balance Ingredients
sherly sylvia
Sep 04, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Sugar, red meat and more recently palm oil have become three of the new Horsemen of the Nutritional Apocalypse, with nuances. During the last few years, especially during the last decade, our knowledge about nutrition has been changing (and luckily, improving), at least in terms of health and information, since we make this knowledge reach the general population and ending up breaking the myths that still linger in memory is an arduous job that is far from finished: The Horsemen of the Nutritional Apocalypse have been changing over time. Until relatively recently, fats were the great enemy of nutrition. In fact, even today, "light" or "skim" foods are still considered a good nutritional choice both by consumers and by the industry, which sells and promotes them as if they were the nutritional panacea. Currently we know that this is not the case, and little by little new enemies have emerged, some of them misunderstood in some respects due to our extremist thinking towards nutrition. Today we will review 3 of the new Horsemen of the Nutritional Apocalypse (although there are many more): sugar, red meat and palm oil. Sugar, the first of the Horsemen of the Nutritional Apocalypse Sugar, that whitish powder whose massive use is based mainly on accompanying coffee, is usually introduced without us noticing it in a multitude of foods. The name "sugar" is a fallacy, since "sugars" are many if we talk about biochemical properties: glucose, fructose, sucrose, galactose, lactose ... all of them remarkable for being "simple sugars". The problem is not "sugar", but what type of sugar, what type of processing has undergone, in what foods do we eat it, and in what quantity do we consume it. Pure or refined white sugar is not a problem in itself, but its consumption in excessive amounts is (taking one or two tablespoons with coffee will not cause the thousand and one diseases related to this substance); However, there are many processed foods that we consume every day that contain processed sugar without our realizing it, and that are the real problem: juices, cookies, yogurts, sauces ... without forgetting more obvious “foods” such as processed pastries or the trinkets. That is the real problem, the "invisible sugar." Sugar as such has been linked to problems at the brain level (addiction, dementia and even memory problems), alteration of intestinal bacteria and even hypertension. Yes, sugar is a problem, but not all sugar is a problem. The fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates (pasta, rice, pulses, potatoes) also contain sugars, which are not processed, so that our body absorbs differently. Although there is still the myth that " we should not eat fruit at night because it contains sugar and can make us fat ", this is another great misunderstanding by blaming "sugar" in an extreme and without nuances. The fruit sugar, natural fructoseIt has absolutely nothing to do with the processed fructose contained in other substances such as soft drinks for example. We must weigh what sugar we are talking about, where we get it and how much we consume it. Red meat, the second of the Horsemen of the Nutritional Apocalypse Red meat is starting to earn the dishonourable place of being another of the Horsemen of the Nutritional Apocalypse according to new studies on the matter (especially when we talk about processed red meat, although the unprocessed does not stand too well either). There is a fundamental difference between red meat and white meat: red meat is rich in saturated fat, which is less interesting nutritionally speaking. In recent years, the WHO has even stated that red meat " probably causes cancer " (International Agency for Research on Cancer classification 2A, as limited evidence has been found on the relationship), while processed meat is it would have equated the consumption of tobacco, asbestos or diesel smoke in risk (classification 1A). This agency, independent of the WHO, has been highly controversial in recent years. In fact, another study published in the Journal of Nutrition concluded that This association with cancer occurs in "very specific and specific cases", and depending a lot on the type of meat (lamb being the worst stop). On the other hand, processed meat has been linked to an increased risk of having a stroke or stroke and suffering from cardiovascular problems such as heart failure. In fact, recently, new work has linked red (unprocessed) meat to an increased risk of diabetes. Again, as with sugar, the problem is not the consumption or not of meat of one type or another, nor is the solution total restriction: it is knowing how to choose what type of meat and in what quantity. Most of the studies in this regard have been observational (monitoring without randomly giving one type of meat or another to the volunteers, but simply analyzing possible relationships, without looking for causes); Likewise, as recommended by both Harvard University and the WHO itself, the solution for now is to limit the amount and not reach the total restriction: Harvard recommends the consumption of two portions of about 80 g of red meat weekly, while the WHO states that "there are no conclusions about a safe amount ". Palm oil, the youngest of the Horsemen of the Nutritional Apocalypse Finally, we have the most recent and commented case of palm oil, which although it is not famous for its particular consumption at the market (it is not usually bought as easily as sunflower oil or olive oil), if it is used massively at an industrial level due to its low price and versatility. Although we now know that, at a nutritional level, its value is rather low and it has even been shown to be related to cancer due to its processing. As the nutritionist Juan Revenga commented a few months ago in " El Comidista ", palm oil is vaunted by the industry for its price despite having similar substitutes (soybean oil or coconut butter, much more expensive), but the need for its processing makes it dangerous to health. Palm oil stands out for having saturated fats (related to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases), unlike olive oil (whose percentage of unsaturated fats is higher and therefore more interesting on a nutritional level). Also, within the “bad” saturated fats (with many nuances in this regard, as Revenga himself comments), palmitic oil or palm oil has precisely the worst types of saturated fats that exist (some saturated fats are good for health). On the other hand, in May 2016, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) stated that the processing of vegetable oils in general gave them genotoxic and carcinogenic properties by creating (thanks to said processing at 200ºC) compounds called " glycidyl esters “, a type of common compound in the particular processing of palm oil, necessary to eliminate its red color and improve both its smell and taste. Precisely those compounds, which would always appear linked to palm oil due to the need for this processing, would be the ones that once ingested would increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, there is no safe level of consumption according to EFSA, and palm oil should be avoided (at least according to the data we have so far). Being overweight can affect one’s self-esteem, it is also harmful to one’s health. The extra fat in your body can make you prone to diseases easily. High blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack are few examples from the list of diseases. Obesity or being overweight is caused due to boredom, depression, anger, lack of exercise, lack of rest, incorrect lifestyle, improper diet and hypothyroidism. Alive Customer Reviews
sherly sylvia
Sep 03, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
If you are like most children, you probably think that you will never grow old. Sore joints, poor vision, heart attacks - these are things you won't have to deal with for a long time, right? So why worry about stronger bones now? As a result, the choices you make now can make a big difference in how you feel later in life. However, the time comes when this lesson is learned the hard way if you keep thinking that way or if you don't think about it to avoid reaching this condition. It usually starts with an injury - a cracked shin caused by running too much on hard pavement or hitting yourself from any other situation. Then bone scans, X-rays or other films show what we don't want to see: our bones are weaker than average. Close to even having osteoporosis. The cycle of building and weakening bones changes throughout a person's life. Building bones is fastest during the first 3 years of life and again during adolescence. By the time you're 20, the bone tissue is as tight as it can get. Measuring something called bone density tells you how tight the bone tissue is. High bone density usually shows that you have strong bones. Once you are about 35 years old, bone tissue breaks down faster than it is replaced. This means that bones tend to lose tissue and bone density decreases. This is when osteoporosis generally becomes a concern. And it is a greater risk for women than for men. Food concerns Getting the right kind of bone-building nutrition and exercise as a teenager is like putting money in the bank. Your bones can stay strong as you age. Unfortunately, many teens don't think about their bones when ordering lunch or deciding what to do with their free time. They'd rather eat potato chips or drink soda than think about vitamins. Doctors urge children to get enough calcium, the mineral that strengthens bones. Calcium is also essential for keeping nerves, blood, and muscles healthy. When you don't get enough calcium, your body removes calcium from your bones, further weakening your bones. Although calcium is abundant in milk, yogurt, cheese (all organic dairy), the natural juices of some vegetables, soy milk (organic), nuts, few people consume enough. The Institute of Medicine recommends that children between the ages of 9 and 18 receive 1,300 milligrams of calcium every day. Diet for stronger bones In conclusion, foods rich in calcium and also vitamin D are essential for the development of stronger bones. Both calcium and vitamin D can be found in foods that we can consume frequently, as part of a balanced diet in which our body will benefit, which will thank us over the years, avoiding fractures and of course pain. Here is a list of some of the foods to have healthy and strong bones. You will see that with simple changes, you can prevent injuries and bone weakening, according to the word of specialists. Spinach for stronger bones The spinach is a good choice, as well as contributing to the healthy development of your bones is rich in fiber, iron and vitamin A. Spinach contains about 250 mg of calcium per cup (cooked). Spinach is high in oxalate, which binds calcium considering it is not available for use in our bodies. A 2-cup plate of raw spinach provides 290 micrograms of vitamin K, a nutrient that helps blood clot. It can also play a role in building strong bones. People with osteoporosis tend to have low levels of vitamin K, while the highest levels of vitamin K have been found in people with higher bone density. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men eat 120 micrograms of vitamin K per day and women eat 90 micrograms, so if you have a bleeding disorder or are at risk for osteoporosis, add a daily bowl of spinach and you could avoid serious problems. Chard This delicious vegetable is ideal to eat in cakes or cannelloni; Chard in the same way as spinach is rich in calcium and adds a special touch to meals. Orange Orange juice is a fortified drink, rich in energy and ideal to drink at any time of the day, it helps prevent colds since it is also rich in vitamin C; Likewise, it helps to make use of fats by reducing cholesterol levels and the development of cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth. Whole grains and cereals Almonds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, tahini (sesame paste) and dried legumes strengthen bones due to their high calcium content, reports the National Library of Medicine. The care to develop stronger bones through diet should start from childhood. Green leafy vegetables low in oxalates and rich in calcium Dairy products are not the ideal food for bone health, since, being pasteurized, they affect the bones and joints more. Dark green leafy vegetables protect and strengthen bones by increasing the pH of the blood and providing vitamin K and vitamin C. They are good sources of vegetable carotenes, which provides the body's vitamin A requirements in a safe and natural way Green leafy vegetables are also rich in folates, which are highly beneficial for overall health. It's hard to imagine a food more beneficial to bone health than kale or collard greens. Improve lifestyle for stronger bones Physical activity Getting enough exercise is also crucial. There have been some really great studies showing the effectiveness of weight training and strengthening exercises on bone density. Any exercise is better than sitting in front of the TV. Walking and lifting weights, in particular, are great for building muscles that support and strengthen bones. Playing soccer, tennis, or basketball are also good options. A recent study found that elementary school girls who did jumping exercises for 10 to 12 minutes, three times a week, built 5 percent more bone mass than girls who did not do the exercises. That's enough bone mass to buy women a little more bone strength later in life, said the scientists at the University of British Columbia who did the study. Even if it's glued to the TV, why not do a few jumps during commercials? Have a glass of fortified milk or juice and some almonds instead of a can of soda and chips. Sun exposure for stronger bones In the summer, you get vitamin D from sunlight on your skin. If you enjoy living in a place with large amounts of sun during the year, do not hesitate to take it at the right time. Sunbathing 10-15 minutes a day on the arms, face and décolleté (avoiding the peak hours) is enough to have good levels of vitamin D in the blood, helping to ensure good calcification of the bones. If you live in places where the sun appears little due to the conditions of the place, be sure to take a vitamin supplement of vitamin D. It is recommended that adolescents take a daily multivitamin containing 200 international units of vitamin D. Healthy lifestyle Getting enough calcium takes a bit of effort. Getting 1,300 milligrams of calcium is the equivalent of drinking about four glasses of milk, eating 10 cups of cooked broccoli, or having two glasses of milk, a cup of yogurt, and a glass of orange juice, every day! Distribute well how you will consume it, since we all know that that daily amount of milk and vegetables is impossible (and it is not healthy for our digestion either), and not many are lactose intolerant and for this we invite you to read our article where we talk on ways you can get calcium other than just dairy. And that's not all you need. To absorb the calcium you consume, you must take a variety of other vitamins and minerals, including a lot of vitamin D in order to absorb it. It is also recommended that reducing or eliminating tobacco and alcohol consumption will help us feel better and have good bone health. Glucomannan is one among many weight loss pills that has been tried to work. This soluble, natural dietary fiber comes from the roots of the konjac plant, also referred to as the arum. Glucomannan is low in calories, takes up house within the abdomen and delays stomach remotion. It conjointly reduces the absorption of protein and fat, and feeds the helpful gut bacteria. Its exceptional ability to absorb water is believed to be what makes it so effective for weight loss. One capsule is ready to show a complete glass of water into gel. Altai Balance Ingredients
sherly sylvia
Sep 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Fatigue can sometimes be caused by dehydration. The main symptoms of a fluid deficiency in the body are loss of concentration and headaches. Maybe you can feel this way at some point in the day: mentally and physically drained without explanation. But this could be due to the daily diet, as there are some foods that can cause fatigue in some people. Below you can learn about some of these foods that can make you feel more tired, which you can choose to reduce or eliminate permanently from your diet. Foods rich in sugars The foods that are high in sugar, instead of giving the body energy as some mistakenly think, actually deplete energy reserves of the body because they are metabolized quickly. In the process, large amounts of energy are needed that should be focused on other bodily functions. It is true that sugar can give us an energy boost, but the effects are not long-lasting and can be counterproductive. High fat foods Eating foods that are high in fat also takes a lot of energy because they are difficult to digest. They generally provide less energy than they require to be processed, for this reason they can cause feelings of heaviness, fullness and fatigue immediately after eating them. Heavy food Some heavier foods can make us feel drowsy after consuming them, among these foods we can find: · Rice · Milk · Turkey · Beans · Vegetables like potatoes and squash · Dairy products · Orange juice · Sweet breads The consumption of these foods is important because they provide essential nutrients for the body. We only have to regulate their consumption according to the effects they have on each individual, since we all absorb nutrients differently. The caffeine Caffeine produces an energetic sensation and stimulates the brain. For this reason, it is used as a stimulant, it can activate certain bodily functions when it is drunk, but you should not abuse it since too much caffeine can cause insomnia, which translates into chronic exhaustion and the inability to regenerate the activities of the next day. Lack of hydration Feeling tired can also be caused by a lack of hydration if you don't drink enough fluids throughout the day. When dehydration occurs, the main symptoms of this deficiency are poor concentration and headaches. It should be noted that the best liquid for proper body function is adequate water consumption. Foods that are not natural Eating lots of foods that contain active chemicals can upset the body's natural balance, causing fatigue and some long-term conditions and are the main cause that can make you feel more tired. Junk food The excessive consumption of junk foods such as hamburgers, "hot dogs", pizza, etc. It has negative effects on the body, which has to work hard to process these foods, and ultimately, tiredness and poor concentration are the result . Tips to eliminate the feeling of tiredness 1. Eating fruits and vegetables provides us with nutrients that provide the body with more energy and a feeling of well-being. 2. The whole grains provide the energy we need to start your day. 3. Walnuts, almonds and sesame seeds are another important source of energy and are essential to stay alert during our daily activities as well as to improve concentration. 4. Keep your body active with stretching and movements throughout the day. Exercise and establish a routine according to your daily work schedule. If you don't have time to get home from the gym, you can do a light workout like climbing the stairs, going for a walk and breathing in the fresh air. 5. Keep your mind active by reading and doing mental exercises. 6. Make sure you get adequate rest every night, try creating a perfect environment to fall asleep. This will relieve exhaustion and give you a boost of energy for the next day. 7. Lastly, eating a healthy diet gives your body the nutrients it needs for proper function and an overall sense of well-being throughout the day. HSV-1 is a highly contagious infection, that is common and endemic throughout the world. Most HSV-1 infections are acquired during childhood, and infection is lifelong. The vast majority of HSV-1 infections are oral herpes (infections in or around the mouth, sometimes called orolabial, oral-labial or oral-facial herpes), but a proportion of HSV-1 infections are genital herpes (infections in the genital or anal area). Forti Prime
sherly sylvia
Sep 01, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
The pink salt from the Himalayas has become a fad and is popping up everywhere: in beautiful packaging on the shelf in the supermarket, like stone grilling in food and even a glass lamp shining supposedly purify your air and your energy (or something like that). It is often cited as the purest salt in the world and a product with beneficial characteristics for health. This type of salt has a pale pink color from minerals that are part of its composition: calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and iron. It is mined from salt mines in Pakistan, mainly from the Khewra Salt Mine, located about 300 km up the Himalayan mountain range - so it is not really a Himalayan salt. Next, we will talk more about its benefits and characteristics: Health benefits of Himalayan pink salt Although various sites and blogs say otherwise, there is no evidence that Himalayan pink salt is healthier than using other types of salt in food. And excess salt is not recommended by most healthcare professionals. McGill University, one of the best in Canada, has made an analysis of some of the benefits attributed to pink Himalayan salt, and these are some of the conclusions: It has more minerals than refined salt: it is true, since with the refinement of the salt most of the minerals are removed, with the exception of sodium chloride; but common salt has the same types of minerals as pink salt; Despite being extracted from a salt mine, this mine was previously a sea whose water evaporated; therefore, Himalayan salt is technically sea salt. Its composition does not provide additional health benefits: the amount of salt we consume daily in our meals is too small for the minerals in the salt to generate benefits; and the same minerals are already consumed through a balanced diet. Pink salt creates an electrolyte balance (important for hydration of the body): but the truth is that all types of salt do. It does not lower blood pressure: consumption of salt, pink or not, probably has the opposite effect. Many people prefer Himalayan salt to common salt because they believe that it has less sodium than common salt in its composition. However, both salts are comparable in terms of sodium chloride content of about 98%. Since pink salt is often found in larger crystals than table salt, it contains less sodium per teaspoon, but more salt will be needed to obtain the same salty taste. Therefore, in addition to probably not having any health impact different from any other non-iodized salt, due to its high price, the market for counterfeit products is large - and it is very easy to add a pink coloring to sea salt; in order to pass it off as Himalayan salt. Therefore, we recommend that you buy the product of recognized brands to avoid counterfeiting. How to use pink salt in the kitchen With the exception of color, Himalayan pink salt does not present characteristics that differentiate it from other salts, mainly in relation to taste. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this salt to replace other cheaper salts in the preparation of dishes. Some people say they feel the difference in taste between iodized salt and non-iodized salt, but most scientific studies are unable to show that difference. If you are one of those people, we suggest using a non-iodized sea salt or kosher salt, which are much cheaper options. Therefore, the main reason to use Himalayan pink salt in cooking is its visual appearance. Use in a dish where its color stands out: as a chocolate, caramel or meringue-based candy glaze or to garnish cocktails, like a margarita. Breaking your fast by bingeing on large portions of junk foods will turn out to be counter-productive. When you're fasting for 12 to 14 hours, you are likely to be ravenous when the fasting window ends. But overcome your instinct to eat lots of food and instead break your fast with a modestly-sized and healthy meal. Xoth Keto BHB Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Aug 31, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Many societies, especially those in America and China, have consistently used cayenne pepper therapeutically thanks to its health benefits. Cayenne pepper is a powerful anti-inflammatory, lately it is being used in cleansing and detox diets that use this spice to stimulate circulation and neutralize acidity. Let's know the benefits of cayenne pepper Cayenne pepper has been used for a variety of ailments and ailments such as flu and congestion, heartburn, delirium, tremors, gout, paralysis, fever, dyspepsia, flatulence, sore throat, atonic dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, Menorrhea in women, nausea, tonsillitis, scarlet fever and diphtheria among many other health problems easily treatable with natural remedies. Cayenne pepper is normally added to food, either in its natural or powdered form and is also available as a cream or capsule to be applied topically - to treat arthritis and muscle pain. How cayenne pepper works The fruit of the bell pepper plant, or cayenne pepper, contains a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin helps reduce pain sensations when applied to the skin and has been used in the past in Central and South America, where its original name comes from, by the capital city of French Guiana, " Cayenne ". The cayenne pepper played an important role in indigenous medicine and cooking for thousands of years What gives cayenne its spicy flavor is capsaicin, its active ingredient, which is commonly used to treat bone pain, muscle pain, and joint pain. 1. Anti-irritant properties of cayenne pepper The cayenne pepper has the ability to relieve stomach upset, ulcers, sore throat, cough spasmodic and irritating, and diarrhea. 2. Anti-flu agent Cayenne Pepper helps break up and move congested mucus. Once mucus begins to leave the body, relief from flu symptoms begins. 3. Anti-fungal properties The results of one study indicated that cayenne pepper effectively prevents the formation of fungal pathogens such as Phomopsis and Collectotrichum. 4. As prevention in headache and migraine This may be related to the pepper's ability to stimulate a pain response in a different area of ​​the body. Following this initial pain reaction, the nerve fibers have a depleted substance P (nerve pain chemistry), and the perception of pain is reduced. 5. Anti-allergen Cayenne pepper helps reduce and alleviate allergic symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory properties that desensitize the nasal passages when exposed to allergens and help in secretions or loosening the formation of mucus. 6. Digestive aid It is a known digestive aid. Stimulates the digestive tract, increasing the flow of gastric enzyme and juice production. This helps the body's ability to metabolize food (and toxins). Cayenne pepper is also helpful in relieving intestinal gas. Stimulates intestinal peristaltic movement, helping assimilation and elimination. 7. Anti-inflammatory properties of cayenne pepper Cayenne's anti-inflammatory properties make it a great herb for arthritis, diabetes, psoriasis, and herpes-related nerve damage. 8. Helps produce saliva Stimulates saliva production, an important key to digestion and excellent maintenance of optimal oral health. 9. Prevents and treats blood clots Cayenne pepper helps reduce arteriosclerosis, encourages fibrinolytic activity, and prevents blood clots, all of which can help reduce the chances of a heart attack or stroke. 10. Cayenne pepper is detoxifying Cayenne is a stimulant for blood circulation. It also increases the pulse of our digestive and lymphatic rhythms. By warming up the body, the natural detoxification process is streamlined. Cayenne also makes us sweat, another important detoxification process. Combined with lemon juice and honey, cayenne tea in the morning is an excellent drink for total body detoxification. 11. Relieves joint pain Extremely high in a substance called capsaicin, cayenne pepper works to cause temporary pain in the skin, which sends chemical messengers from the skin into the joint, offering relief from joint pain. 12. Anti-bacterial properties Cayenne is an excellent preservative and has been used traditionally to prevent contamination of food from bacteria. 13. Possible anticancer agent Studies conducted at Loma Linda University in California found that cayenne pepper can prevent lung cancer in smokers. This may again be related to high amounts of cayenne from capsaicin, a substance that can stop the formation of tobacco-induced lung tumors. Other studies have also shown cayenne's responsiveness to inhibit liver tumors. 14. Cayenne helps with weight loss In one study, scientists from Laval University in Quebec found that participants who consumed cayenne pepper for breakfast had less appetite, leading to fewer calories during the day. Cayenne is also a great metabolism booster, helping the body burn excess amounts of fat. 15. Improves heart health Helps maintain normalized blood pressure levels. It also helps rid the body of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. 16. Remedy for toothache Cayenne pepper is an excellent agent against gum and tooth diseases. 17. Cayenne pepper for bites and wounds As a poultice, cayenne has been used to treat snake bites, rheumatism, inflammations, sores, wounds, and low back pain. Can also c OW make a cream for arthritis and joint pain with cayenne pepper. While you are working on your computer, playing racquetball, working in your garage, or doing a science experiment in school, it is important to you protect your eyes with the right eyewear. When you are exposing your eyes to chemicals, sharp objects, or other materials such as wood shavings, metal shards, etc, it is important to have tough and protective eyewear to prevent anything ill-suited from entering your eyes. VisiSharp Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Aug 30, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
If your reducing diet journey seems too difficult to accomplish, start with small steps. Make very small adjustments, one at a time, in what you eat. A simple, effective and very satisfying way of dieting to lose weight is by introducing zero calorie foods to your diet. According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the US Health Foundation, the obesity rate in this country is expected to reach 44% in 2030, that only in a single country, imagine the great problem that this disease is. Obesity can be calculated by measuring a person's body mass index (BMI), a series derived from weight and height that provides a reliable indicator for inferring possible health problems. A BMI greater than 25 is considered overweight, and anything greater than 30 is considered obese, both of which are risk categories. If you are obese, the ability to lose the weight necessary to drop to a healthy body mass index can seem like a daunting task. However, just cutting 2 to 5 kilos can go a long way towards improving your overall health, reducing your chances of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and lowering health costs. What are zero calorie foods? A food is considered "no calories" when the calories burned through its consumption and digestion are less than or equal to the total calories in the food itself. Simply put, if a mushroom has only five calories, but your body uses 10 calories to digest it, it is a calorie-free food. Such foods can not only help you lose weight, they can also help you save money. Most are quite cheap, especially if you buy them at a local farm or farmer’s market. Plus, eating these healthy foods can naturally boost your immune system, and over time your body is likely to reward itself with fewer doctor visits, which can be a huge money saver. If you thought of your food plate as a pie chart, start adding some zero calorie foods inside. Over time work your way up to 30% to 50% of these foods in your meals and you will see drastic improvements to your health. This simple rule alone can limit your intake of fatty and caloric foods and helps you speed up the loss of that extra weight. The best zero calorie foods There are a wide range of fruits and vegetables that are zero calories, and by increasing your daily intake, you can start the path to better overall health. Zero calorie fruits · Grapefruits · Apricots · Oranges · Tangerines · Strawberries · Watermelon · Apples Many fruits, including those listed, are excellent sources of dietary fiber that naturally help your body break down the sugars contained within the fruit itself. Because dietary fibers are more difficult for your body to digest than other food materials, they expend more energy in the digestion process, which in turn, means that more calories are burned. All of these fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, which promotes a healthy immune system and acts as an antioxidant, and a couple of them (grapefruits and apricots) are excellent sources of vitamin A, which improves vision and skin health. On the other hand, while these seven fruits are part of a healthy and balanced diet, citrus fruits provide an additional benefit, as they can help reduce the risk of stroke. According to a study published in the medical journal, Stroke, a higher intake of flavonoids found in citrus fruits is correlated with a lower risk of ischemic stroke. Of course, all fruits are good, but that doesn't mean they are all zero calories. For example, bananas, grapes, pears, figs and avocados all have more calories than the fruits mentioned above. However, don't stop eating them, as the nutrients they provide are all healthy for your heart. Just keep in mind that those with more fructose are going to put your calorie intake in a positive sense. Zero calorie vegetables Whether you eat them in a side dish, in a salad, or just as an appetizer, there are plenty of good reasons many health professionals encourage vegetables: they are low in calories, high in fiber and rich. in essential vitamins. Like fruits, all vegetables impart certain health benefits, so it's hard to go wrong with them. The following vegetables are all considered zero calories: · Spinach · Green leafy vegetables · Carrots · Red peppers · Tomatoes · Celery · Onions These six vitamin-rich veggies have massive amounts of vitamins A and C, and good levels of folate, which aids in cell growth and DNA synthesis and repair. They also contain potassium, which is an important electrolyte for efficient nerve transmission. Surprisingly, celery carries a nice pack of vitamins. It is high in fiber, vitamins A and C, folic acid, potassium, manganese (an antioxidant that promotes a healthy nervous system, among many other health benefits), and vitamin K, which strengthens bones and blood clotting which is help in cases of injury. If you can afford a few calories, top it off with some peanut butter and you're done. Mushrooms Aside from being a great topping on pizza, mushrooms are great in soups and salads. Their high level of vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium from pizza cheese, and they also contain plenty of B-complex vitamins, which lighten your mood and give you energy and focus that lasts for hours after you've eaten. Asparagus, green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower These four vegetables are all excellent sources of vitamins A, C, and B. Asparagus contains several anti-inflammatory compounds that can help protect you from type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The magnesium and calcium in broccoli can help regulate blood pressure. Its glucoraphanin, which the body processes into the compound sulforaphane, is also a natural cancer fighter. Cauliflower has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and green beans are so high in calcium that they can meet your needs if you happen to be lactose intolerant. Kelp Kelp, a form of seaweed, may be a strange food for many, but it is truly delicious when incorporated with other vegetables. It is used in soups, as a garnish, or even on its own. Kelp has a unique flavor, salty and fresh, with a texture similar to al dente linguine noodles. The Japanese make it simply with rice vinegar and sesame seeds. Blanch for a few seconds in boiling salted water to reconstitute, and toss with raisins and sesame-miso dressing into a fresh salad. You can put maple syrup and oil on them, bake for about five minutes at 150 degrees C, and you have a crunchy fried seaweed sandwich. You can find these algae in noodle and powder form in most Asian markets. Zucchini and summer squash The manganese in zucchini and squash helps the body process fats, carbohydrates, and glucose. Additionally, zucchini can help lower cholesterol and prevent prostate cancer in men with its phytonutrients. Crushed or pureed is best for colon, eye, and bone health. Low calorie meal preparation Now that you have your ingredients, here are some quick and easy ways to make these amazing zero calorie foods: 1. Steaming Steaming is a great way to cook vegetables with delicate flavors and still retain all the nutrients they can boil down. Steam some green beans, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and add a few drops of lemon and raw salt (full-spectrum salt like Himalayan pink salt has huge health benefits). If you want to add an oriental touch to your dish, try steaming some broccoli and adding some white pepper, diced ginger, and garlic. 2. On the grill Summer squash, zucchini, asparagus grilled or with a light coating of butter or extra virgin olive oil make a great addition to any cookout. Also, on an indoor electric grill for a great rainy-day meal. 3. Make a salad Any of the vegetables mentioned above can be combined to make the perfect salad. You just threw together and you have an energetic lunch with a ton of needed nutrients. Mix in the leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots, and red bell pepper, and instead of a commercial dressing like ranch or thousand island, add a little olive oil (which contains healthy fats), raw salt, and black pepper or chili. , which is excellent for circulation and digestion. You can also add some natural sweetness with sliced ​​apricots, strawberries, apples, or any of the other delicious fruits listed above. Final words Keep in mind that sodium chloride (common table salt) is processed to the point that it is completely devoid of nutrients. When seasoning your zero calorie meals, try using Himalayan pink salt, or any raw salt with a reddish-brown tinge. Its 84 trace elements including potassium, iron and calcium, offer enormous health benefits, such as strengthening your immune system, providing relief from water retention, pain, aiding in relaxation and deeper sleep. If you are trying to lose weight gained during the holidays or to fit back into your bathing suit for the summer, or simply to lead a healthier lifestyle, you know it is a task that needs time and patience. We are all guilty of trying all sorts of diets and fitness tips to lose those extra pounds. While some have been successful in meeting their goals adopting extreme measures, others have struggled and struggled to a point that have made them give up hope. The truth is that losing weight is easy, but only if done in the right manner. You cannot give up midway for lack of instant results. Biofit Probiotic Reviews
sherly sylvia
Aug 30, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
We all need a body detox at some time. It is necessary to purify the body of all toxins and substances that enter us through food, drink and the air we breathe. There are several ways that you can perform a detox. However, the fastest way to detox is by drinking homemade drinks. In this article we will introduce how to make a pure organic cranberry juice drink that will help detox your body. Drinking cranberry juice helps cleanse your system of toxic waste Blueberries are a natural antioxidant, readily available in supermarkets in pure juice form. It's known as a strong drug substance body cleanser like THC, just to understand how powerful it is as a detoxifier. It has been scientifically proven to remove toxic compounds in urine and bloodstream. It helps in the washing of toxic fluids from the body, up to 6 kilos of water weight that is trapped in the tissues of the body. Blueberries also have flavonoid compounds and polyphenols, which help prevent low-density lipoprotein, or "bad" cholesterol oxidation. LDL cholesterol becomes dangerous for your body once it is oxidized. An artificial cranberry juice base can only contain about 5-10% real cranberry juice, for detoxification purposes you need a juice that is organic and pure. The more bitter, the purer the cranberry juice. Sugar additives make the juice sweeter, but compromise the effectiveness of its cleaning properties. Cranberry juice should be added to your daily intake for a long time to keep your body and immune system in good working order. It will clean the blood and urine effectively. Cranberry drink to detoxify your body Ingredients needed: · 2 liters of cranberry water · 1/2 tablespoon of ground cinnamon · 1/4 of a tablespoon of grated ginger · 1/4 of a tablespoon of nutmeg · Half a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice · 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice Preparation method: · To make cranberry water: Choose 100 percent organic cranberry-only cranberry juice, without any added sugar, other sweeteners, and / or fruits. Mix 8 oz. of cranberry juice and 56 oz. Water. · Place that cranberry mixture with water on the fire and cook until it starts to boil. After that, lower the heat and add the spices. Cook for another 15 minutes. · When you're done cooking it, put the mixture away from the heat and let it cool down to room temperature. Lastly, add the orange and lemon juice to the mixture. Keep the liquid in the fridge. Additional tip: In order for detoxification to have the desired effect, it is necessary to change your diet only in the next 7 days. Eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water. In this way you will clean the intestines and therefore your entire system. When you reach day 8, it is recommended to consume only water and detox drinks. After you can gradually return to your normal diet, which is recommended to gradually modify to healthier, if it is difficult for you to change it immediately. Breaking your fast by bingeing on large portions of junk foods will turn out to be counter-productive. When you're fasting for 12 to 14 hours, you are likely to be ravenous when the fasting window ends. But overcome your instinct to eat lots of food and instead break your fast with a modestly-sized and healthy meal. Xoth Keto BHB Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Aug 04, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Watermelons are the ideal food for the summer. They are delicious, low in calories, packed with nutrients and super hydrating. This makes it a fruit to eat every day, and making watermelon part of your daily diet is not only a delicious thing to do, but it will give you tons of overall health benefits. 13 healthy reasons to eat watermelon every day Watermelon benefits improve heart health to boost brain and boost immune system. But there are many more reasons to eat watermelon. Keep reading our article to discover that it is true that watermelon cannot be missing from our daily table. 1. Healthy heart Eating large amounts of watermelon improves your heart functions. Watermelons contain high levels of a remarkable antioxidant called lycopene (hence its red color). Lycopene keeps your heart young and prevents damage caused by free radicals. Along with lycopene, watermelons contain high levels of potassium that lower the risk of a heart attack, help lower cholesterol, improve blood flow, and regulate the heartbeat. 2. Strong bones Lycopene in the diet (also found in tomatoes) has been recognized to promote healthy bones. This powerful antioxidant reduces the activity of bone cells involved in the development of osteoporosis. And its high potassium levels help retain calcium, which keeps your bones and joints healthy and strong. 3. Boost the immune system and heal wounds fast Watermelon contains high levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C supports the immune system and protects the body against free radicals and oxidative stress. Vitamin C also plays an important role in wound healing. The enzymes involved in collagen production need vitamin C. So, if your wounds don't heal as they should, increase your vitamin C intake with rich foods such as watermelons and citrus fruits. 4. Helps in weight loss Watermelon contains around 90% water and is very low in calories, making it a great fruit for people who want to lose weight. But their low-calorie content isn't the only reason you should eat watermelons regularly to lose weight. The citrulline, is also found in watermelons, it becomes arginine which is an amino acid that has the effect of burning fat. 5. Anti-inflammatory properties Watermelons are rich in flavonoids, carotenoids (like lycopene), and triterpenoids. Especially the lycopene in watermelon has shown great results in reducing inflammation and neutralizing free radicals. Make sure to pick ripe watermelons as they have higher amounts of these anti-inflammatory compounds. See: 10 natural anti-inflammatories to cure joint pain. 6. Prevents cancer Again, it's the lycopene that steals the show. This potent carotenoid has been linked to reducing the risk of prostate, breast, lung cancer, uterus, and colon cancer. See: Recipe to prepare an anticancer salad. 7. Alkalize the body These days our diets are full of acidic foods (meat, dairy, baked goods, processed foods, and fast foods). High acid diets have been linked to weight gain and an increased risk of developing diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart disease. Ripe watermelons are highly alkaline and help the body to neutralize these harmful and damaging acids. 8. Healthy muscles and nerves Watermelon is a good source of potassium and citrulline to keep your muscles and nerves working properly. Control muscle contraction and prevent muscle pain after hard workouts. Our body converts citrulline into arginine, which helps relax blood vessels and improves blood circulation. 9. Improves vision Eating a lot of watermelon is good for eye health, due to its high levels of antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These protect your eyes against age-related problems such as night blindness, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. See: Improve your eye vision naturally with these tips. 10. Skin and hair Watermelon contains a good amount of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A plays an important role in sebum production and cell growth to keep skin and hair healthy and hydrated. See Diet for clearer skin. 11. Watermelon is a natural stimulant Watermelons work as a natural stimulant. They increase libido and improve circulation. According to a study by Texas A&M University, the citrulline in watermelons helps to relax blood vessels in a similar way to what happens when men take a stimulant supplement. 12. Hydrate your body Watermelons are around 90% water and packed with beneficial electrolytes. So, eating watermelon daily can help prevent dehydration, especially in the summer months. 13. Makes your brain sharper and improves your mood Watermelons contain a good amount of vitamin B6. B6 is needed for the production of several chemicals in the brain that are responsible for our mood and behaviour (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and gamma-amino butyric acid, or GABA). Imbalances can lead to mood swings, anxiety, depression, and Parkinson's disease. According to the National Institutes of Health, low levels of vitamin B6 can also play a role in reduced short-term memory, making watermelon the perfect snack for students. See: Foods to help improve memory. Watermelon seeds are also edible and full of benefits Most people do not eat the seeds of watermelons or opt for seedless watermelons. The watermelon seeds are a rich source of protein and have their own phytonutrients beneficial to keep your body healthy. See: How to prepare a Watermelon Seed Tea - the most effective drink to cleanse the kidneys. Fiber makes stool bulkier and softer so it's easier to pass. Gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet until you're getting at least 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily. Good sources include whole grains found in cereals, breads, and brown rice, beans, vegetables and fresh or dried fruits. Prunes and bran cereal are tried and true constipation remedies. GoDaily
sherly sylvia
Jul 30, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Today many people assume that because butter is high in saturated fat, it could lead to skyrocketing cholesterol levels, clogged arteries, and heart attacks, but eating butter can give you the best nutrients for your health. your body. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. In the late 1970s, nutrition professionals decided that foods high in saturated fat like butter were to blame for heart disease. However, scientific studies found that eating butter from grass- fed cows is good for your heart. The Myth of Saturated Fat The reason butter was demonized by nutrition professionals is because it is high in saturated fat. However, the saturated fat content in butter is really not a cause for concern. Medical studies showed that there is no significant evidence to conclude that saturated fat in the diet is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. A review of medical studies found no correlation between consumption of saturated fat (in general) and heart disease. In fact, consuming saturated fat can increase HDL (good cholesterol) levels, which is associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Consuming saturated fat can also change LDL from small, dense (bad) LDL to large LDL, which is not associated with heart disease. Benefits of eating free-range cow butter As you can see, medical studies have shown that the myth about saturated fat causing heart disease is wrong. There is no reason to avoid butter because of its saturated fat content. Butter from grass-fed cows contains heart-healthy nutrients Butter is milk fat. Scientists found that butter contains around 400 different fatty acids and a good number of fat-soluble vitamins. One of the fatty acids in butter is called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Many people use CLA as a weight loss supplement, and medical studies show that it can be extremely beneficial to your health. The Journal of Dietary Sciences reported that grass-fed butter contains 500% more CLA than butter from grain-fed cows (10). Free-range butter contains vitamin K2 that decalcifies your arteries Vitamin K is an extremely important nutrient for optimal heart health. There are two main forms of vitamin K: · Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone): found in plant foods such as green leafy vegetables and broccoli. · Vitamin K2 (menaquinone): found in foods of animal origin, especially organ meat and dairy products from grass-fed cattle. Vitamin K1 is important for blood clotting. Vitamin K2 helps prevent vascular calcification. Butter from grass-fed cows is one of the best sources of vitamin K2 in the diet. Egg yolks, beef liver, and natto are also good sources of vitamin K2. A study on the effects of vitamin K2 on heart disease. This study followed 4807 individuals for 7-10 years. At the start of the study, the group had no cases of heart attack. Study participants who consumed the most vitamin K2 had a significantly lower risk of death from heart disease, a lower risk of death from all causes, and a lower incidence of severe calcification in the aorta. Another study involved 562 postmenopausal women. 62% of the women had evidence of coronary calcification. However, women with the highest vitamin K2 intake had significantly decreased coronary artery calcification. Previous studies showed that vitamin K2 is an important nutrient for heart health, so tips to avoid butter and grass-fed eggs can actually increase your risk of heart disease. Free range butter contains omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent heart attacks Butter from grass-fed cows is also much higher in Omega-3 fatty acids than butter from grain-fed cows. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of sudden death caused by cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat) and mortality from all causes in patients with coronary heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids are also used to treat high blood pressure and high levels of lipids in the blood. As you can see, eating butter from grass-fed cows is good for your heart due to its omega-3 fatty acids. The food you eat plays a key aspect in determining your overall health and immunity. Eat low carb diets, as this will help control high blood sugar and pressure. A low carb diet will help slow down diabetes and focus on a protein-rich diet to keep you in good shape. And regularly consume vegetables and fruits rich in Beta carotene, Ascorbic acid & other essential vitamins. Certain foods like mushrooms, tomato, bell pepper and green vegetables like broccoli, spinach are also good options to build resilience in the body against infections. Immune Protect
sherly sylvia
Jul 27, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
When choosing the foods that we are going to taste, many times we do not keep in mind which ones are the most suitable for our health. And what are the food combinations that we should avoid so as not to interfere with digestion and not feel heavy. Without a doubt, the rush and lack of time are bad allies when we go to the stove. So, we explain the food combinations that you should avoid to have good health and enjoy meals avoiding heartburn, indigestion or stomach pain. But before talking about the food combinations that you should avoid, it is worth remembering that proteins are present in foods such as eggs, cheeses, white fish and seafood, meats and legumes. Carbohydrates appear in fruits, potatoes, corn, rice or whole wheat pasta among others. Vegetables and vegetables are part of antioxidant foods Food Combinations You Should Avoid It is not advisable to mix proteins with carbohydrates 1- It is not advisable to mix proteins with carbohydrates because each one to break down in the stomach, needs acidic and alkaline gastric juices respectively. When these are mixed, they are neutralized, and for this reason the stomach suffers when trying to digest food, in many cases not doing so and causing those annoying indigestion or heartburn. Examples: · Pancakes with egg · burgers Carbohydrates and proteins are digested differently, so consuming them together can make digestion more difficult. Several diets have come out around this concept and claim that if you separate carbohydrates from protein, you will lose weight. Avoid mixing two proteins 2- Nor should you consume two proteins in the same meal since this is a bad combination of foods. Instead, it is somewhat healthier to mix two carbohydrates. Examples: · Bacon and eggs · Nuts and yogurt Why: Concentrated proteins take a long time to break down, further compromising the digestive system and depleting energy. The combination of different meats or meats with fish should be avoided. Instead: It is best to eat meat in the last course of your meal. The first course should not be meat; they should be light vegetables or protein. Meat should be the last dish, as digestive fire and enzymes are at their peak. Never wait more than 10 minutes between dishes at the same meal, as the appetite and digestive enzymes begin to shut down. If you have to eat two concentrated protein sources together, it is best to add high water content vegetables, such as onions, cauliflower, broccoli, or lettuce. Do not mix proteins and starches 3- It is not convenient to mix proteins and starches because they are two nutrients that may not satisfy the stomach, which is why it is common to consume more than necessary and slow down the digestion process. Proteins break down and starch begins to ferment causing a gas-filled gut. Examples: · Meat and potatoes · Chicken and pasta · A turkey sandwiches Why: If an animal protein is eaten with a carbohydrate, such as meat and a piece of bread or a potato, the different digestive juices would nullify the effectiveness of each: "Protein rots and carbohydrates ferment. The result is gas and flatulence in the system. Adding protein enzymes and carbohydrate enzymes in the same space and time basically makes everything "unclean", but it is also admitted that many people's bodies adapt to traditional foods like rice and sushi, and, yes, meat and potatoes, too. And to combinations like beans and rice, which make a healthy, complete protein, and do not apply to this category of "bad combination". “Rice and beans have a synergistic effect, promoting a better assimilation of each when they are together. Instead: Combine protein or starch with non-starchy vegetables. If you have to mix animal protein and starch, add leafy greens to minimize negative side effects. Do not combine starches and sugar 4- Starches and sugars must go in separate meals. Starches and sugar should not go together either, so let's forget about bread with jam or banana because we combine two nutrients that are digested differently, this is a bad combination of foods. Examples: · Pancakes and honey · Cereal with milk · Potatoes with ketchup When sugar is combined with starch, saliva secreted during chewing does not contain ptyalin as it enters the mouth, thus interfering with the digestion of starch before reaching the stomach. This combination blocks the sugar from passing through the stomach until the starch is digested, causing fermentation. The result of sugar fermentation is acidic, and at the same time it further compromises the digestion of starches, which require alkaline media to be digested. For example, butter that is fat and bread that is a starch are perfectly compatible, however when you add honey or jam, you introduce sugars into the mixture, which interferes with the digestion of starch in the bread. The same principle applies to sugar-dusted cereals, meringue cakes, sweet cakes, etc. Don't combine sugar and fat 5- Sugar and fats should not go hand in hand because although sugar is easy to digest when we combine it with fats, we slow down the process. Examples: · Sweet bread · Ice creams · Cakes in general · Desserts with dairy and fruit · Smoothies with cow's milk For example, banana and cow's milk shakes are a terrible combination and can wreak havoc on your body, such as gas and heaviness after taking it. Also, they form toxins and mentally weaken. However, if it's one of your favorite foods, try making smoothies with unpasteurized organic cow's milk shaved with a little water, in turn choosing a banana that is already ripe and adding cardamom or nutmeg to aid digestion. On the other hand, combining acidic fruits with dairy alters the intestinal flora, causes nasal congestion, colds, coughs, allergies and generates toxins. Avoid foods that cause congestion like cold yogurt with fruit. However, if you can't resist the temptation to eat yogurt, there are ways to make it lighter for digestion. Choose a homemade plain yogurt at room temperature and add a little honey, raisins and cinnamon instead of sour fruits. Fruits should be eaten alone or in combination with their related 6- In the case of fruit, the healthiest and healthiest thing is to consume it without any other food, since the natural sugar contained in the fruit accelerates the fermentation process of any food in the stomach, causing indigestion and indigestion. many beneficial vitamins in fruit are not fully utilized. If you consume citrus fruits such as lemon, pineapple or orange, you must wait twenty minutes before consuming anything else, to allow these fruits to be properly assimilated by the body and thus help clean and prepare the stomach for its correct daily operation. In the case of the rest of the fruit, the ideal is to consume it half an hour before or two hours after the rest of the meal. CBD oil is one dietary supplement where "organic" labels are very important to consumers. Learn about the importance of organic hemp oil, why it's better for the environment, and which CBD companies actually make trustworthy products with sustainable farming processes. Use our curated list to find the best organic CBD oil that's better for you and the environment. Hemp Gummies
sherly sylvia
Jul 01, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Kale is a broad leaf vegetable that is green or purple in color depending on the variety. Although it can be grown throughout the year, kale is found in markets mainly between mid-winter and late spring. Nutritional benefits Kale is one of the few vegetables that provides omega-3 ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) in significant proportions. It is rich in minerals and trace elements, such as calcium, copper, iron, potassium, and vitamins B1, B2, C, E, and K, and is excellent in vegetable juice. It also contains a large amount of beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Like broccoli, kale has anti-cancer properties due to its ability to promote cell repair and slow the proliferation of cancer cells. Kale is also rich in flavonoid substances, useful against indigestion, inflammation, stress, and high cholesterol levels. The virtues of kale juice Helps keep bones healthy Kale, an excellent source of calcium, helps maintain good bone density and promotes ossification. Who said that only whole milk has calcium? Helps preserve brain abilities The omega-3s it contains can prevent neuronal damage caused by hyperglycemia in obese or diabetic people. Helps prevent and fight cancer This plant also contains indole-3-carbinol, a molecule that participates in the DNA replication process and can help slow the development of cancer. To prepare a delicious juice against cancer, you can combine kale, parsley, celery, cucumber, green apples and a lemon wedge. Kale juice helps regulate cholesterol Consuming this vegetable can help lower cholesterol levels. For the sake of synergy, its action is even more effective if you consume parsley, green apples and lemon at the same time. Helps detoxify the body · Recent studies have shown its effectiveness in helping to detoxify the body. · The glucosinolates in kale break down to isothiocyanates, molecules that play a role in cellular detoxification. · Regular consumption of cabbage juice helps to deeply detoxify the body. Helps prevent and fight anemia Chlorophyll is a molecule very close to hemoglobin. Consuming this healthy vegetable, which provides good amounts of this molecule, can promote a balanced formulation of hemoglobin and be helpful in anemia. Helps fight inflammation This game is alkalizing and contains a lot of vitamin K, a substance that promotes good blood circulation. So, it is a good ally for people with chronic inflammations. Helps build muscle Kale is a vegetable that provides protein in good amounts. It can be interesting to integrate it into a vegetarian diet. Helps keep skin healthy It is also rich in calcium, vitamins A, C, K, as well as phytochemicals, all substances useful for the good preservation of the skin. It is also one of the best sources of beta-carotene and lutein, and therefore promotes elasticity, firmness, and overall healthy skin. Kale helps protect eyes It is high in carotenoids (zeaxanthin and lutein), substances that help protect the eyes from damage caused by ultraviolet light. Due to its high content of antioxidants, the juice of this food helps protect the retina from the action of free radicals. Drinking kale juice is good for weight loss Regular consumption of this juice can help you lose weight. To get rid of excess fat, you can drink a glass of the juice of this healthy vegetable daily, combined with green apples and lemon. High blood sugar usually develops slowly over a period of hours to days. But missing a dose of insulin can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels just above your target range may make you feel tired and thirsty. If your blood sugar level stays higher than your target range for weeks, your body will adjust to that level, and you may not have as many symptoms of high blood sugar. Gluconite
sherly sylvia
Jul 01, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Olives are an integral part of Mediterranean cuisine, which is one of the healthiest in the world. Many traditional Greek dishes cannot be served without the addition of olives or olive oil. Also, true Italian pizza is not served with tomato sauce, but with oil. The secret of olives consists of up to 7 properties, which are very difficult to find in any other natural product. Reasons why you should eat more olives 1. They contain large amounts of antioxidants, including oleic acid, which reduces the activity of the gene responsible for breast cancer. Antioxidants, in addition to preventing cancer, protect the heart and blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. 2. Olives reduce the level of bad cholesterol, responsible, among other things, for atherosclerosis. The sterols contained in them inhibit the intestinal absorption of LDL cholesterol. Studies have shown that including olive oil in the diet instead of vegetable fats and oils can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood by up to 20%. 3. They support weight loss: they are low in calories (100 g of olives contain only 125 kcal), they are easily digestible and contain fiber, which has a positive effect on metabolism. Additionally, olives support metabolism by stimulating the liver to secrete bile acids, which is responsible for the triterpenic alcohols present in olives. Thanks to this, the liver cleanses the body faster of harmful metabolic products. In addition, an important property of olives is their ability to cause satiety. Thus, they eliminate the cravings for sweets. The lack of appetite for sweets causes the level of sugar in the blood to drop, but this process is even stronger thanks to the presence of monounsaturated fatty acids in olives. 4. Contains provitamin A, a youthful vitamin, which is truly rejuvenating because it has a great effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nails, as well as visual ability. In addition, they contain vitamins B, C, E, which are necessary in the fight against free radicals. Apparently, eating 7 olives a day can guarantee longevity. 5. We eat them in pickled form: fresh olives, harvested directly from the tree, are not so suitable to eat due to their bitter taste. Therefore, the olives that we buy in the market have been processed in pickle. Olives, first of all, are natural probiotics: as a source of lactic acid formed during fermentation, they cleanse the body and strengthen your immune system. In addition, thanks to the lactic acid content, they regulate the bacterial flora in the intestines and participate in the synthesis of vitamin K and some B vitamins. 6. They have a calming effect on the nervous system. They contain phospholipids, which are the building block of cell membranes, especially nerve cell membranes, and copper, which protects nerve fibers and has an analgesic effect. Rubbing the body with olive oil helps reduce stress, and eating olives regularly prevents migraines. 7. They are a natural aphrodisiac: they contain estrone or female sex hormones. Increasing the amount of estrone in a woman's body increases her sex drive. Olive trees have entered the mythology and art of the Mediterranean peoples as a symbol of youth and fertility. Besides the fact that olives have a significant impact on the health and condition of the body, they are a versatile addition to dishes. Pizzas, pastas, sauces, salads and all meat dishes gain a lot of nutritional value after adding this Mediterranean delicacy, both in green and black. A high blood sugar reading first thing in the morning can throw off your whole day — and signal a chronic problem. Despite their best efforts to control their blood sugar levels, some people simply wake up with elevated blood sugar. Starting your day this way isn't just alarming: If it becomes a pattern, high morning readings can make it difficult to achieve your long-term diabetes management goals. Gluco20
sherly sylvia
Jun 29, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Nowadays, organic foods have become a trend, not only can you find them in natural and organic food stores, but they are becoming more frequent in most supermarkets. But are organic foods better than conventional ones? What are the benefits of eating them? Are organic foods really good for your health? In this article we will learn about the advantages of consuming them and we will elucidate all these significant doubts so that you can make the best decision when buying your organic food. What is organic food? Before knowing the benefits of organic food, let's first explain what it means for a food to be “organic”. The term "organic" refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products. There are regulations for planting these products which vary from one country to another. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for a food to be organic it must be produced in the following way: · Without using most conventional pesticides, only naturally-derived pesticides or fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or septic sludge. · Natural fertilizers such as manure or compost are allowed, and crop rotation, manual weeding, or plowing is used to control weeds. · Bioengineering and ionizing radiation should not be used. · Organic livestock should receive food of organic origin, they should not be given antibiotics, growth hormones or any food derived from animals. · Only previously approved vaccines are allowed. · Livestock diseases are naturally prevented with good hygiene, rotational grazing, a healthy diet, and access to the outdoors. Organic foods can include unprocessed or refined fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish, and meats. There are guidelines for a food to be labeled as "100% organic", it must first have been verified and certified by competent personnel who will demand that all the established norms regarding cultivation, handling, processing and commercialization are met. It is also possible to find multi-ingredient foods that are labeled "organic" (without 100%) and this means that only 95% of the ingredients that make it up have been approved as organic. You should not confuse the term organic with natural, when a food is labeled "natural" it means that it has no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, but it does not refer to the method in which the food is produced. Benefits of organic food Organic foods have many advantages for your health and the environment compared to those grown conventionally. There are several studies that have shown its benefits, although the information is still limited and highly debated. · Studies (1) have shown that the concentrations of antioxidants such as polyphenolics are substantially higher in organic crops and contain lower concentrations of toxic metals such as cadmium, mainly in grains. These antioxidants reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as CVD, neurodegenerative diseases, and even certain types of cancer. · Organic meats, dairy, and eggs generally have higher levels of omega-3 (2) fatty acids, which improve cardiovascular health. · The investigations have shown that consumption of organic foods can reduce exposure to pesticide residues such as fungicides, herbicides and insecticides compared to conventionally grown produce and organic meats have less presence of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. · Studies on the nutrients provided by organic foods vary, however, a review of several articles showed that organic foods provide higher levels of vitamins C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. In addition, it has been proven that the consumption of organic dairy products has benefits for the skin by reducing allergic dermatitis. · Organic farming is better for the environment because it does not use fertilizers or herbicides or toxic chemicals, therefore organic farms do not pollute nearby soil or water. · Chemicals from conventional farms are implicated in the death of birds (3) such as swallows, sparrows, and others. Furthermore, neonicotinoid insecticides are also blamed for being a risk to bees. Organic food is a way to produce nutritious food without negatively affecting the health of farmers, the environment, or consumers. Spend five minutes a day visualising yourself living your dream life in as much detail as possible. Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? What can you see, smell, hear, taste and touch? Focus on the sensations and feelings and make them as real as possible. Tesla Manifestation
sherly sylvia
Jun 16, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Can fats help us maintain our weight? Doesn't fat make us fat? Do fats help you burn fat? In a word: exactly. Eating fat to burn fat? For a long time, we thought avocados were good for more than making guacamole or adding to a good burger every now and then. But these little nutritional hand grenades were having an explosive impact on our diet throughout that time. How is that? They are infused with a key nutrient for maintaining a healthy weight: fat. Fats are essential Fat is not something to avoid. For starters, it is essential for normal growth and development. The fat in our diet also provides energy, protects our organs, maintains cell membranes, and helps the body absorb and process nutrients. Even better, it helps the body burn fat, says nutritionist and owner of the Nutritious Life meal system, Keri Glassman, RD, who recommends that about a third of the calories in any weight loss plan come from fat in the diet. diet. Unsaturated fats Most of the fat you eat, especially if you want to lose weight, must come from unsaturated sources, both monounsaturated (PUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA). Why? These good-for-you foods (like fish, seeds, nuts, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, just olive oil - extra virgin and cold-pressed -, and, of course, avocados) pack tons of nutrients. In addition to removing LDL cholesterol from your arteries and promoting a healthy heart, unsaturated fat can help you burn fat big time without cutting calories. A 2009 study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that participants who consumed the most unsaturated fatty acids had lower body mass indexes and less belly fat than those who consumed the least. Why? People who ate foods with unsaturated fat ate higher quality foods. Fat provides flavor Not long ago, the low-fat / fat-free fad diet swept the food landscape. Manufacturers marketed everything as low-fat and fat-free, and consumers responded to all of this. It's healthy, right? No, it is not. In addition to stripping the body of a much-needed nutrient, low-fat, no-fat diet moves have increased obesity rates. Why? Turns out, fat provides a great component that we love about food: flavor. When food manufacturers removed fat from their food, they had to load food with sugar and salt, which are free nutrients to increase flavor. For example, the second most common ingredient in a Kraft salad dressing is high fructose corn syrup, containing 7 grams of sugar per serving. And a packet with just one ounce of hot sauce, 350mg of sodium, - that's 15% of the recommended daily value - who eats just one "serving" of that? And that is only the beginning. Here are other crucial aspects that fat can help you lose weight: Instead of doing just one thing on a diet, we have to look at the total caloric content, as well as the quality of the food, what we are going to eat, what is" good "and it helps the immune system and the cells of our body. to keep us healthy. Fat burns fat The body needs three macronutrients for energy: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. One gram of fat contains more than twice the energy of one gram of the other two. "When you don't have any fat in your diet, it's like you don't have fuel to burn calories," The body requires energy to keep its metabolism working properly, and a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming fatty acids can improve metabolic health. What's more, "old" fat stored in peripheral tissues - around the body of the belly, thighs or buttocks (also called subcutaneous fat) - cannot be burned efficiently and without "new" fat to use. help the process, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Dietary fat helps break down existing fat by activating PPAR-alpha and fat-burning pathways in the liver. Think of mealtime like spring baseball training: hungry young players (new fat) go to the field and show the GM (the liver) that it's time to send off the old worn-out players (subcutaneous fat) to home. And they leave. Fat keeps you full Fat is not the easiest nutrient to digest, so it sticks around in the digestive system for longer than many other nutrients. AGMI's (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids) can also help stabilize blood sugar levels, according to the Mayo Clinic. That means you feel full longer, and you won't feel like you have to raid the fridge after mealtime. In fact, diets high in omega-3 fatty acids, a type of monounsaturated fatty acids that the body can only acquire through food, create a greater feeling of fullness - immediately after and two hours after dinner - than foods with low levels of fatty acids, according to a study conducted in 2008 by the University of Navarra in Pamplona, ​​Spain. It's no surprise that moderate-fat dieters are more likely to stick with their meal plans than low-fat dieters. The result? More weight lost. Fat makes you happy Eating delicious foods makes you happy, and it turns out that low-fat versions just don't do the trick for a surprising reason: We can taste fat, not just salt, sugar, and other goodies in food. Recent research from Purdue University shows that our taste buds can detect fat in food, helping to explain why low-fat foods don't curb our fat cravings. Based on research, fat can be a totally different staple flavor from what we've long thought of as the four fundamental building blocks: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. On a happier note, about fat, omega-3 fatty acids can increase serotonin levels in the brain, which helps improve mood, boost motivation, and keep you from gobbling down a large pizza. 3.5% of women and 2% of men have suffered from binge eating disorders, while millions more are occasional emotional eaters, according to the National Institutes of Mental Health. Fat builds muscle " Eating good fats along with an effective exercise program can build muscle, " says Result Fitness owner and trainer Rachel Cosgrove, CSCS, who notes that gaining muscle mass is vital for increasing metabolism and burning calories. both inside and outside the gym. In a 2011 study published in Clinical Science, researchers examined the effects of eight weeks of polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in adults ages 25 to 45 and found that fat increases protein concentration and the size of muscle cells in the body. Body. Previous studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults and may mediate muscle loss due to aging. Fat makes food better for you Many nutrients including vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, which means that the body cannot absorb without fat. If your body is not absorbing nutrients properly, it can lead to vitamin deficiencies and lead to dry skin, blindness, brittle bones, muscle aches and abnormal blood clotting. These vitamins are also key to maintaining energy, focus, and muscle health, all of which contribute to a healthy weight. Vitamin E, for example, is a powerful antioxidant and helps support your metabolism, while your body's levels of vitamin D predict your ability to lose fat, especially in the abdominal region, according to a clinical study from the University of Minnesota. Medical School. So, while you can fill your salad plate with nutrient-dense spinach, tomatoes, and carrots, you really have olive oil to thank for sending the vitamins from the salad to yourself. Mental health is the foundation for emotions, thinking, communication, learning, resilience and self-esteem. Mental health is also key to relationships, personal and emotional well-being and contributing to community or society. Many people who have a mental illness do not want to talk about it. But mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of! It is a medical condition, just like heart disease or diabetes. And mental health conditions are treatable. We are continually expanding our understanding of how the human brain works, and treatments are available to help people successfully manage mental health conditions. Claritox Pro Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Jun 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
As one of the fastest growing foods on the market, countless brands and varieties of Greek yogurt are quickly lining up grocery stores. Differences between Greek yogurt and traditional yogurt What distinguishes Greek yogurt in the traditional yogurt is that Greek yogurt has been filtered to remove serum. As a result, Greek yogurt has a thicker, creamier texture and a rich flavor. The benefits of Greek yogurt Eliminating those from the whey makes it a healthy yogurt with 40 percent less sugar, 38 percent less sodium, and more than twice the amount of protein than traditional yogurt. Each tablespoon of Greek yogurt is also packed with nutrients and provides numerous health benefits. Digestive health One of the most touted health benefits of Greek yogurt is the probiotics it contains. These healthy bacteria help promote gut health. The digestive tract contains a large number of different types of bacteria, some good to help digest food, and some potentially harmful. Eating Greek yogurt with probiotics helps increase the good bacteria in your gut. And the better bacteria you eat, the less room there is for bad bacteria to grow. Maintaining this healthy balance of friendly bacteria can help with various digestive problems. For example, it can help keep you regular and fight bad bacteria that can cause diarrhea. Probiotics can also be helpful for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Helps control blood pressure One of the best ways to help control high blood pressure is through diet. The DASH diet is low in fat, and includes eight to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables and two to three servings of low-fat or fat-free daily items. Dairy products, such as Greek yogurt, are an important source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are considered beneficial in helping to lower high blood pressure. Control Weight The Greek yogurt stands out, among other things, to contain twice the amount of protein compared to the traditional yogurt. Since protein takes the body longer to digest, it can help you feel and stay full for longer. This is especially important to help curb your appetite between regular meals when trying to lose weight. And when you're not hungry, it's a healthy way to help minimize extra cravings. Strong and healthy bones Greek yogurt provides important nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and protein, that work together to promote strong, healthy bones. Unfortunately, many people focus on just calcium and turn to supplements in order to meet their calcium needs. However, Greek yogurt offers a full suite of nutrients not found in calcium tablets alone. A study of postmenopausal women conducted at the University of Washington School of Medicine concluded that obtaining calcium directly from products, as opposed to supplements, has a more positive impact on bone health. You can learn how to get calcium without using milk. For people with lactose intolerance Lactose intolerance is a sensitivity to the sugar in milk called "lactose." Symptoms of lactose intolerance are caused by the digestive tract and can include bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea . Studies have found that people with lactose intolerance can tolerate up to 1 cup of milk at a meal, which is equal to 12 grams of lactose. It is recommended that people with lactose intolerance can begin to introduce lactose slowly into the diet and start with foods that are lower in lactose. Greek yogurt is a lower-lactose food; a 6-ounce cup of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt provides only 4 grams of lactose. The lower amount of lactose found in Greek yogurt is due to the filtering process, so Greek yogurt may be suitable for people with lactose intolerance. Carbofix, Carbofix Review, Carbofix Reviews, Carbofix Supplement, Carbofix Supplement Review, Carbofix Supplement Reviews, Carbofix Supplements, Carbofix Supplements Review, Carbofix Ingredients, Carbofix Ingredients Review, Carbofix Customer Reviews, Carbofix Customer Experience, Carbofix Home Remedies, Carbofix Symptoms, Carbofix scam or not, Carbofix side effects, Carbofix Videos, Carbofix Secrets, Carbofix Capsules, Carbofix amazon, Carbofix, Carbofix Review, Carbofix Reviews, Carbofix Supplement, Carbofix Supplement Review, Carbofix Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Jun 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Both white (green) cabbage and purple (red) cabbage have great health benefits, both of which are high in water, fiber, vitamins A and C, and minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. The juice purple cabbage contains great benefits and properties not to be missed. What are the differences between white and purple cabbage? The main difference between white cabbage (green) and purple cabbage (red) is that purple cabbage has pigments called anthocyanins, responsible for giving the cabbage the characteristic reddish or purple color. Anthocyanins belong to the group of the flavonoid family, known as blue flavonoids, which are a powerful antioxidant superior to vitamin C and E, which have the property of preventing aging, caring for and allowing good cell function, also anthocyanins they are good for the eyes, have a mild anti-inflammatory action and protect the cardiovascular system. 10 Benefits of Purple Cabbage Juice These are some of the benefits of purple cabbage juice that, as you will see, is an excellent medicinal remedy that should not be lacking in your diet. Include purple cabbage in your meals and improve your overall health. 1. Headache Drink 20-25ml of cabbage juice, treats headache symptoms. It also acts as a disinfectant. 2. Rejuvenates the skin The purple cabbage is a very rich source of vitamin C and vitamin E, and reduces the aging process. These vitamins make the skin naturally beautiful and glowing. Vitamin E, which is mainly present in the outer leaves, gives the natural glow, while vitamin C, which helps in anti-oxidation, maintains beautiful skin. Excellent option to rejuvenate the skin. Mix the cabbage juice with a pinch of yeast and honey. Apply to all parts of your face and neck. Keep it for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water to get more beautiful skin. 3. Acne The juice not only helps in intestinal cleansing, but also contains vitamin C. This contributes to the detoxification of your body and thus the treatment of acne. 4. Ulcers Cabbage juice can be used to heal ulcers. The amino acid glutamine heals ulcers, especially peptic ulcers. It is present in high concentrations in purple cabbage. This property has been used to treat ulcers since ancient times. 5. Healthy Bones The juice contains enough vitamin-K. Including vitamin-K in your diet can help you have healthier bones and also make them stronger. Purple cabbage is a rich source of calcium that should be taken by everyone. Including calcium in your daily diet can prevent osteoporosis in old age. Take this juice regularly and it will help you in strengthening your bones. 6. Blood formation and arterial pressure Cabbage juice helps in the formation of red blood cells. Cabbage juice contains potassium which helps to control heart rate and blood pressure. 7. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease Anthocyanins are present in high concentrations in purple cabbages. These anthocyanins in red cabbage help in preventing plaque formation in the brain that is the main cause of Alzheimer's disease. 8. Cabbage soup for diets The most effective method of dieting is by reducing cholesterol. This can reduce 3-4kgs in the first week. The powerful antioxidant in cabbage juice helps reduce "bad cholesterol." 9. Cancer This juice has powerful antioxidants, which help in the fight against breast, colon and prostate cancer. 10. Reduces muscle pain Lactic acid that is rarely found in food seems to reduce muscle pain. This lactic acid is released during cooking of the purple cabbage or when bacteria ferment the sugar in the cabbage. Some important tips · Always wash cabbage thoroughly and soak in water with baking soda · Use fresh juice for best results · Drink no more than 4 oz. Of juice at a time · Do not store the juice in a refrigerator · Do not add salt or sugar to the juice, as it can reduce its effect Silencil, Silencil Review, Silencil Reviews, Silencil Supplement, Silencil Supplement Review, Silencil Supplement Reviews, Silencil Supplements, Silencil Supplements Review, Silencil Ingredients, Silencil Ingredients Review, Silencil Customer Reviews, Silencil Customer Experience, Silencil Home Remedies, Silencil Symptoms, Silencil scam or not, Silencil side effects, Silencil Videos, Silencil Secrets, Silencil Capsules, Silencil amazon, Silencil, Silencil Review, Silencil Reviews, Silencil Supplement, Silencil Supplement Review, Silencil Supplement Reviews, Silencil Supplements, Silencil Supplements Review
sherly sylvia
May 31, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Vitamin D is essential in the body, since it helps us absorb other vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and phosphorus, in addition to maintaining health in optimal conditions. The deficiency of vitamin D can cause, among other problems, osteoporosis and rickets. In addition to muscular discomfort, depression or insomnia. Of all the ways to obtain vitamin D, the best is through the sun and it is stored in fatty tissue, only 10 to 15 minutes in the sun would give you the recommended daily dose of vitamin D you need. The places on the body that you could leave exposed to the sun without sunscreen, only during these minutes, are: · Limbs. · Face. · The legs. · The back. Among the functions of vitamin D are: · Maintain the immune system in good condition, as it defends the body from pathogens. · Keeping the nervous system in good condition, since together with vitamins such as phosphorus and calcium it facilitates muscle contractions and the transmission of the nerve impulse. · Finally, it is vital to get calcium to the bones and teeth. How to add vitamin D to your diet naturally? The foods that naturally contain vitamin D are the following: Fish: Fish is rich in vitamin D, especially those that are preserved in oil. There is also more vitamin D, in fatty cuts of fish and in raw fish, such as sushi. Eggs: These are rich in vitamin D, B12, and protein. Ideal for a healthy, nutritious diet rich in vitamin D. In this case, vitamin D is present in the yolk of the egg. Mushrooms: Lightly cooked they provide a great supply of vitamin D to the body, in addition to vitamins such as B12 and copper. Fortified foods: Fortified foods are those to which certain vitamins are added by manipulating them. These are the fortified foods that contain vitamin D: Tofu and soy milk: Foods that come from soy are generally fortified with vitamin D, and they are also ideal for people with intestinal or colon problems. Fortified cereals: Breakfast cereals are generally fortified with vitamin D, although not all, for this reason it is necessary to read product labels. These cereals with dairy or soy milk will provide a lot of vitamin D to your body. Almond milk This delicious alternative milk to cow's milk, in addition to providing vitamin D, almond milk is also an alternative for people who are lactose intolerant, in this way you can obtain minerals and vitamins that are easily absorbed It is also important to consider: The recommended daily dose of vitamin D varies according to age, when the baby is 0 to 12 months old, 10 micrograms of vitamin D daily is recommended, although it should be obtained in the formula, it is important to know, from 1 to 70 years the recommended dose of vitamin Daily D is 15 micrograms per day, after 70 the dose increases to about 20 micrograms per day and in pregnant women the recommended dose is 15 micrograms per day. Daily dosages can only vary if prescribed by your doctor, however the only way to be at risk for a vitamin D overdose is through vitamin supplements (vitamins in pills, powders, syrups or oils). This over time could lead to the hardening of the body's soft tissues (due to calcium), kidney stones, hypercalcemia, dehydration and if the poisoning is very severe it could eventually lead to kidney damage. Some alerts that you could be intoxicated are: · Decreased appetite. · Fatigue. · Polyuria (passing urine in amounts greater than usual). · Polydipsia (much more thirsty than usual). · Vomiting · Hypertension. · Regular urination · Irritability. · Constipation. · Dehydration To avoid poisoning it is important that before starting the intake of these supplements, you consult your doctor. Belly fat is the accumulation of abdominal fat that results in increased waist size. It is also known as central adiposity or abdominal obesity. Body fat, also known as adipose tissue, serves essential functions. For example, it cushions and insulates the body from extreme temperatures. Due to its function in hormone production, adipose tissue is considered an endocrine organ. CarboFix Reviews
sherly sylvia
May 31, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Your immune system is a complex machine, and like a car, it cannot function properly without the proper fuel. There are six key nutrients that are the premium fuel for your immune system. If we suffer from key nutrient deficiencies, we run the risk of our immune system running rampant and attacking the body's own tissues, leading to autoimmunity. When an autoimmune patient comes for medical help, I not only check for infections, toxins, and stress that could be sabotaging your immune system, but I also look for key nutrients that might be missing. Restoring optimal levels of these nutrients is an important step in reversing autoimmune diseases and also in preventing the development of other autoimmune diseases. 6 nutrient deficiencies linked to autoimmunity These are the six nutrients that research has linked to autoimmune disease, and that are most noticeable in autoimmune patients. 1. Vitamin D Even if you live in a hot climate and get lots of sunlight, your vitamin D levels may still be less than optimal. This is particularly problematic for autoimmune patients because vitamin D plays a critical role in the immune system. Regulates and prevents autoimmunity by stimulating regulatory T cells, which are responsible for differentiating between dangerous invaders and "self" cells. When vitamin D promotes these cells, it teaches the immune system not to attack itself. Vitamin D also supports your ability to fight viral and bacterial infections that can trigger or worsen autoimmune conditions. 2. Omega 3 Because our modern diet tends to contain more polyunsaturated vegetable oils rather than quality animal fats, many Americans are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that omegas 3 oils enhance the activation of B cells and select the production of antibodies, which can reduce the inflammatory response and help your immune system fight pathogens. 3. Vitamins B B vitamins don't just provide our cells with energy. They also control immune function, hormones, mood, sleep, nerves, circulation, and digestion. Vitamin B12, for example, supports the production of white blood cells, which are essential components of the immune system. When you're low in B12, your white blood cell count drops, weakening your immune system and making it more susceptible to mistakenly attacking your own cells. 4. Selenium Selenium may be a little-known mineral, but studies show that it is essential for regulating excessive immune responses and chronic inflammation in autoimmune diseases. It is also a vital nutrient for proper thyroid function, and studies show that increased selenium in patients with autoimmune thyroid lowers their thyroid antibodies. 5. Zinc Zinc affects multiple aspects of the immune system, from the skin barrier to gene regulation within lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). In fact, zinc is essential for the production of white blood cells and studies show that people with zinc deficiency are more susceptible to pathogens. 6. Magnesium Magnesium, which is important not only for immune function but also for heart health, is a mineral that most people are chronically low in due to high levels of stress and diets high in sugar (the sugar reduces magnesium levels). Magnesium deficiency has been shown to cause increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, increasing your overall level of inflammation and contributing to autoimmunity. What Causes Nutrient Deficiencies in Autoimmune Patients Now that we know which nutrients play a critical role in the immune system, let's look at why autoimmune patients are often low in them. A nutrient-poor, inflammatory diet This one is pretty obvious, but if you aren't eating these nutrients, your body won't have enough of them. You probably eat a lot of white flour products, refined sugars, and processed foods. While these foods may taste good, they are completely lacking in nutrients, and the few vitamins they offer generally have to be added synthetically. In addition to nutrient-poor processed foods, a diet high in inflammatory foods can also cause nutrient deficiencies. These inflammatory foods, which include gluten, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, nightshades, eggs, dairy products, sugar, and caffeine, not only boost the immune system, but also cause a leaky gut. Leaky gut We know from the research of Dr. Alessio Fasano that virtually all autoimmune patients have a leaky gut. What you may not know is that when your gut is perforated, the junctions in the gut walls that keep your gut in alignment "loosen" allowing proteins, bacteria, yeast and viruses to enter the bloodstream. Also, some people have amputated villi, tiny capillary projections that absorb nutrients, which means that they cannot absorb food properly and lack vitamins and minerals, even if they consume a lot in their diet. This causes a wave of inflammation that triggers or worsens autoimmunity. Genetic mutations Common genetic mutations like MTHFR significantly reduce your ability to convert certain nutrients that contribute to methylation, including B vitamins, choline, folic acid, and more. VDR mutations can cause low amounts of vitamin D, and mutations that control sulfation, a liver detoxification pathway, can cause zinc deficiency. If you have one or more of these genetic mutations, you can get many nutrients from your diet or supplements, but your body simply cannot use them optimally. How to test for nutrient deficiencies If you have an autoimmune disease and get tested to see how your nutrient levels are. He orders them to analyze through urine and blood samples to measure the levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids and amino acids. They provide a very complete picture of a patient's nutritional status and offer very insightful clues as to what could be causing your health conditions. How to prevent or overcome nutrient deficiencies The good news is that you can restore optimal levels of these key nutrients. By increasing your dietary intake and addressing the underlying causes of your deficiencies, you can replenish your levels and strengthen your immune system. This is what you must remember. Eat a diet rich in nutrients Getting your nutrients through food is always the best option, so you'll want to add many of the following foods to your diet: · Vitamin D: fatty fish, protein from grass-fed meats including organ meats. · Selenium: garlic, turkey, liver and red meat · Magnesium: dark leafy vegetables such as spinach and chard, figs, fish, avocado, and bananas · Zinc: grass-fed oysters and shellfish, beef and lamb · Omega 3: grass-fed meats, fatty fish, flax oil and chia · Vitamins B: green leafy vegetables, animal proteins, fresh and dried fruits, seafood, avocados Heal your gut Healing your gut is one of the most important steps to take on your autoimmune journey. Not only will it improve your ability to absorb nutrients, it will dramatically reduce your inflammation and calm your immune system: · Eliminate the Bad: Eliminate intestinal infections and toxic and inflammatory foods. · Restoring the Good - Re-adding the essential ingredients for proper digestion. · Introduce healthy bacteria - restores a healthy intestinal flora. · Repair the gut - rebuild the lining of the lining of your gut. Add high-quality supplements Although optimizing your diet, healing your gut, and feeding your genetics are important, you may also need to add supplements. The unfortunate truth is that our nutrient-depleted soil, high-stress lifestyles, and toxic environments make it very difficult to get all of our nutrients from food alone. Fortunately, high-quality supplements can step in to fill the gap. Tinnitus may be described as buzzing, ringing, roaring, whistling, or hissing and is sometimes variable and complex. Objective tinnitus typically is pulsatile (synchronous with the heartbeat) or intermittent. Tinnitus is most noticeable in quiet environments and in the absence of distracting stimuli and, thus, frequently seems worse at bedtime. Silencil Supplement Reviews

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