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maya justin
Sep 06, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
We all take medicine, either once in a while or every day depending on the disease. And sometimes we do not have the option to take more natural measures when it comes to medicating ourselves, or yes, but in minds and ideas genders are broken, and some will decide to opt for their health over traditional medicine, and some others will simply have no choice. than to take them because of your condition. If you are one of the people who consume drugs, pay attention to the information below, because mixing drugs for certain diseases or ailments with the following common foods cause a reaction. Mixing Medicines with These Common Foods Causes A Reaction Of course, in their respective packaging, the medications list the side effects and the things you should not do when using the medication, but we often do not think that mixing medications with certain foods that we eat could react with these medications. These are problems that are not listed on the back of our pill bottles and can be dangerous. Certain foods have very unexpected effects when mixed with specific medications within the body. Bananas If you take medication for blood pressure, you should avoid bananas. Bananas are rich in potassium. Blood pressure medications increase the amount of potassium in your body, and too much potassium can cause heart problems. Depending on the severity of your health, a banana could turn out to be quite a serious problem. Grape juice If you are on any type of cholesterol medication, then you should not ingest grapefruit or grapefruit juice, also called grapefruit. This, because it is known to increase the effect of these drugs on the bloodstream. This can lead to an increased risk of side effects, the most common of which is leg pain. Cranberry juice Cranberry juice should be avoided if you are taking any type of blood thinner. Studies have shown that people who drink cranberry juice while taking these drugs have shown dramatic blood thinning. A problem like this could lead to serious health complications and should be avoided at all costs. Spinach Spinach is terrible for those on blood thinning medications, as it makes the medications less effective, and can even increase the risk of clotting. Dairy products Dairy products are known to prevent the body from absorbing antibiotics properly and make them much less effective. If you are taking this type of medicine, you should do it a few hours before eating dairy to allow your body enough time to absorb the things it needs. Cured meats Mixing drugs for bacterial infections and cured meats are not a good mix at all. This mixture can cause extremely unsafe spikes in blood pressure. This is due to the amino acid tyramine found in cured meats. Walnuts Walnuts should not be eaten if you are taking thyroid medicine. They are rich in fiber and can prevent your body from absorbing the medication properly. You should do your best to avoid nuts and anything high in fiber. Black liquorice When taking medication for heart failure, you should never ingest black licorice. This is because black licorice contains the chemical known as glycyrrhizin. Glycyrrhizin is a chemical that can cause an irregular heartbeat when combined with digoxin. This can become a very serious problem. Salt substitutes When taking ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure, we must do our best to be careful with salt substitutes. Too much of this can result in something as serious as heart failure in some cases. Care must be taken when ingesting these things. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that's not broken down by the body, so eating it doesn’t have any effect on blood glucose levels. It also promotes digestive health and keeps you feeling fuller longer after a meal. Also, says Champion, because it slows the surge in blood sugar after a meal, it’s especially beneficial for people with diabetes. Vivo Tonic
maya justin
Sep 06, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Chronic pelvic inflammation is a condition that affects many more women than is estimated, approximately 1 million women suffer from PID per year in the United States alone. Below we will list the main causes, conditions and what are the most recommended treatments to eradicate this problem from your life. Pain in the lower abdomen or back, periods that last longer than a week, pain during the menstrual period, spotting outside the period, fever, nausea, pain or burning when urinating, these are some of the more symptom’s common symptoms of women with chronic pelvic inflammation or PID. In many cases, women do not go to the gynecological consultation because they think that these symptoms are not relevant, but the truth is that they could be caused by this infection, produced by a bacterium lodged in the uterus, fallopian tubes, endometrium or in the ovaries, and can lead to serious health complications. Forms of contagion One of the most common forms of infection is through sexual intercourse, since the bacteria that produce them are gonococcus and chlamydia. However, the bacteria can also be contracted during childbirth, insertion of an intrauterine device, or abortion. Other causes: · Insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD) · Public showers · Public pools · Birth · Endometrial biopsy However, statistically this disease is caused by sexually transmitted diseases, which is why the use of barrier contraceptive methods (condoms) to prevent its contagion becomes very important. The disease begins in the vagina and, if not treated in time with antibiotic methods, it spreads to the endometrium, fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus, until it reaches the abdomen and causes chronic pelvic inflammation. Symptoms of chronic pelvic inflammation Some women with pelvic inflammatory disease have no symptoms. For women who have symptoms, they may have some of the following: · Pain in the lower abdomen (the most common symptom) · Pain in the upper abdomen · fever · Pain during intercourse · Pain when urinating · Irregular bleeding · Increased or foul-smelling vaginal discharge · Fatigue or reluctance Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause mild or moderate pain. However, some women have severe pain and symptoms, such as: · Sharp pain in the abdomen · Threw up · High fever If you have severe symptoms, you should urgently consult a specialist. The infection may have spread to your bloodstream and to other parts of the body. Again, this can be a life-threatening condition. Risks of the disease The risks will depend on the state in which the disease is, so early treatment is essential. If not treated in time, it could cause infertility problems, given the scar tissue that forms in the fallopian tubes. It is also possible that there is an ectopic pregnancy, that is, that the fetus forms outside the uterus. In cases of severe infections, surgery must be used to remove the affected tissue. Natural treatment of PID Natural treatments should be used as a complement to medical treatment, they should not supplant it. Consultation with a specialist is the most recommended. Turmeric Turmeric contains an active ingredient called curcumin with powerful antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight infection as well as alleviate the symptoms of PID. Also, turmeric is good for improving the immune system, helping to prevent future infections. 1. Boil 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of milk. Drink once a day until symptoms disappear. 2. Take turmeric supplements, 500 mg 3 times a day. However, check with your doctor before taking this supplement. Probiotic Yogurt The probiotic yogurt containing live cultures (good bacteria) is a great remedy to fight this bacterial infection. The good bacteria in this yogurt will help fight bad bacteria and restore good bacteria in the vagina. It also helps maintain a healthy vaginal balance. 1. Apply small amounts of probiotic yogurt to the vagina. Wait a few hours, then rinse with cold water. Use this remedy once a day for a few weeks. 2. It is also advisable to increase the consumption of probiotic yogurt or kefir. Sodium bicarbonate Baking soda is another effective treatment for chronic pelvic inflammation. This alkaline compound helps reduce acidity and alkalize the colon and other organs. This in turn helps kill bacteria that cause infections. Also, it helps balance the body's pH level. Sitz Bath A sitz bath is an effective remedy for reducing PID symptoms. While the hot bath will help relax your pelvic muscles, the cold bath will help relieve pain. Pelvic massage Pelvic and lower abdominal massage helps to stimulate the muscles and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. This in turn relieves pain, provides relaxation, and speeds healing. The best way to treat it is by consulting with medical specialists, but care and prevention can help you avoid these types of diseases. To do this, you should try to eat a diet that gives you the possibility of increasing your defenses, and take into account some of the following tips. · Use protection in your intimate relationships. · Avoid smoking. · Perform gynecological exams with some regularity. · Avoid public showers · Not having multiple partners · Eat foods that improve female intimate health · Increase the consumption of probiotic foods and foods that raise your defenses. The keto diet is customized to regulate the insulin spike. Even a balanced low-calorie meal with moderate macromolecule can turn out glucose and thereby push the duct gland to provide insulin. “This diet excludes all food classes that may be copied to make a lot of glucose than the body needs to take care of its regular blood glucose level (80-110mg/dl). In fact, as a result of there'll be a glucose deficit, the body can haven't any alternative however to begin burning out keep fats (visceral and peripheral) to provide energy and guarantee regular blood sugar levels. Athlete Pharm Keto
maya justin
Sep 04, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
The Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that produces high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). On a daily basis, glucose is used by the brain, muscles and other organs to obtain the energy necessary for its functioning, but if it exceeds normal levels, it is accumulated in the blood causing damage to different organs. The complications of diabetes (acute or chronic) seriously compromise the health of the patient, so it is vital that they are diagnosed in time. Normally, the pancreas releases insulin, which is the hormone responsible for lowering blood sugar levels and incorporating glucose into the cell. There are several types of diabetes that manifest when the pancreatic islets cannot secrete insulin (Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and in advanced stages of Type 2 Diabetes), when the levels of the hormone are not sufficient or when glucose cannot enter the cell because insulin works improperly (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Gestational Diabetes and others). Types of diabetes and their complications Depending on its cause and its mechanism of production, the American Diabetes Association classifies this disease into several types, so it is important that the doctor determine which type of diabetes is presenting in the patient, in order to select the appropriate treatment. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus It is an autoimmune disease that is produced by the destruction of pancreatic islet cells (responsible for producing insulin). Formerly, it was believed that it manifested itself only in children and adolescents. However, using new techniques (such as the detection of antibodies in blood) it was determined that it can also appear in adults. Its treatment is based exclusively on the use of recombinant human insulin, since the patient requires external insulin to live. The most important acute complication, with which patients with type 1 diabetes often start, is diabetic ketoacidosis, consisting of a toxic state in which the blood becomes acidic due to excess ketone bodies. This occurs in periods of prolonged fasting or due to excess glucose in the blood. Ketoacidosis causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, severe dehydration and, if left untreated, can be fatal due to the extreme acidity to which the body is subjected. Diabetes mellitus type 2 It is characterized by the progressive loss of insulin secretion by the cells of the pancreas. Being overweight, obese, sedentary, and poor eating habits generate insulin resistance, preventing insulin from working properly, which means that glucose cannot enter the cell and remains circulating in the blood. This hyperglycemia in turn generates a new stimulus to the pancreas that makes it secrete more insulin than necessary, so that over time the pancreatic reserves of insulin are depleted. In earlier times it was believed that this type of diabetes occurred only in adults, but it is increasingly diagnosed in children, especially in obese people. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is treated with diet, oral hypoglycemic drugs, and exercises. However, in advanced and / or terminal stages, the use of insulin is necessary. Its main acute complication is the hyperosmolar state, which occurs in a decompensation that conditions a state of dehydration, increased osmolarity of the blood and neurological alterations that can reach brain edema. Gestational diabetes It is the hyperglycemia diagnosed from the 24th week of pregnancy, in a previously healthy patient. The complications of diabetes gestational include preeclampsia, fetal large (macrosomic), preterm birth and abortions. Other types of diabetes There are other types such as neonatal diabetes (diagnosed in the first 6 months of life); MODY type diabetes (diabetes of mature age in young people) that has a genetic cause and behaves like type 2 diabetes, so it can be treated with hypoglycemic drugs. Finally, diabetes induced by drugs and chemicals (such as steroids used in chemotherapy and organ transplant therapy). Chronic complications of diabetes If not treated properly, all types of diabetes have the same chronic complications. The main ones are: · Diabetic retinopathy (loss of vision, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and total blindness). · Diabetic nephropathy (chronic kidney disease that requires dialysis in the end stages). · Diabetic neuropathy (cramps, tingling, involuntary movements of the muscles and alterations in sensation). · Diabetic foot (infection of the skin and soft tissues due to hyperglycemia and alterations in sensation that promote repeated trauma to the foot). · Obstructive arteriopathy (changes in the interior of the blood vessels). · Cardiovascular diseases. · Recurrent urinary and genital infections. · Diabetic arthropathy (deformation of the bones of the foot). Exercising regularly can help increase the insulin sensitivity in your body. This means that your body would be more able to utilize the sugar in your bloodstream. Exercising can also help you lose weight. If your blood sugar control is problematic, you must routinely check your sugar levels. This would give you an idea as to how does your body respond to different activities, and this in turn can help you keep your blood sugar levels from going too high or too low. Sonu’s Diabetes Secret Customer Reviews
maya justin
Sep 03, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Nowadays, it is increasingly common to hear about late pregnancies, or what is the same, pregnancies in women over 35 years old. The labor independence of women and gender equality has led to the search for better opportunities for the professionalization of women, which leads to a possible delay or postponement of the wishes of maternity, being a totally valid fact but in turn it can increase certain risks and disadvantages with respect to pregnant women under 35 years of age. The first thing to take into account is that, from the embryonic and fetal stage, once the sex is determined, a series of events occur that lead to the generation and formation of a finite number of ovarian follicles, which once once puberty is reached, they will be those who ovulate with each menstrual cycle. However, as age advances, the quality of these eggs deteriorates, so one of the main obstacles to overcome is the very fact of being able to get pregnant. Possible risks of late pregnancy Fertility problems in women over 35 years of age increase exponentially, with very low rates of spontaneous pregnancy at 40 years or older, mainly due to ovarian failure or low reserve. Despite the fact that age is a very important factor in infertility, it does not only depend on it. As it is considered multifactorial, other factors also intervene in infertility, such as: genetics, personal and family history such as the age of the first menstruation, diseases, pelvic surgery, among other relevant data. The issue of risks in pregnancies in advanced age is not only summarized in the problems derived from the inability of the ovum to be fertilized, it also refers to the decrease in the implantation rates of the embryo in the uterine cavity and early abortion (in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy) due to chromosomal, immunological or other genetic alterations. Apart from the risks already mentioned, there are others of equal importance, such as: 1. Increased risk of chromosomal diseases and aneuploidies, such as Down, Patau or Edwards syndrome, as well as structural or functional congenital morphological malformations (such as cardiac, renal, skeletal, neurological, etc., including the association of several anomalies that appear simultaneously). 2. Increased risk of spontaneous abortions, which is to say, pregnancy losses with less than 20 to 22 weeks with no apparent cause. Likewise, a greater risk of pregnancy loss in pregnancies greater than 20 weeks. 3. Increased risk of preterm delivery in older pregnancies compared to younger pregnant women, with fetal complications associated with prematurity, which increase perinatal morbidity and mortality rates. 4. Increased risk of endocrinopathies such as Gestational Diabetes, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and even hypertensive pathologies such as preeclampsia - eclampsia, gestational hypertension, HELLP syndrome, etc. 5. The late pregnancy may have increased risk of low birth weight or the fetal growth restriction. 6. Postpartum complications, such as postpartum hemorrhages, secondary to uterine hypotonia (decreased uterine contraction), placental accreta (abnormal adherence of the placenta to the myometrium), previous cesarean sections, among others. As can be seen, the risks are multiple and are part of all stages of pregnancy, whether before conceiving, in the first weeks or at the end of pregnancy and after delivery, however, any increase in risk is always relative and will be more significant as factors are added, such as bad life habits, extremes in age (over 35 years but also under 15 years), personal and family history of risk, multiparity, illiteracy, poor control of pregnancy, unhealthy conditions in the housing sector, overcrowding, among others. recommendations Finally, as a general recommendation, although the existence of greater risks and complications in late pregnancies should be taken into account, one should not completely desist from seeking a pregnancy in advanced age if this is done responsibly. The first thing to do is seek information and medical advice on the advantages and disadvantages of each case. At the same time, communication between the couple is essential and you must be sure of the decision to make. If you decide to seek a late pregnanc, the preconception consultation is essential to reduce certain risks that can be modified and prevented, with measures such as weight control, treatment of pre-existing diseases, change of bad habits such as smoking or alcoholics, daily exercise, healthy eating, examine and determine alterations that may affect the fertility of both men and women. Once the pregnancy is achieved, a periodic check-up with your obstetrician should be maintained, so that any alteration that may complicate the pregnancy can be detected, thus bringing a healthy child to a successful term home with his parents. Until someone less is faced with terrible hair loss, trying home remedies is highly recommended. If the natural mode of treatment does not work, opt for dermatologist treatments such as hair transplantation, etc. can be processed. But before that, following popular natural and home remedies can come in handy. Restolin Hair Reviews
maya justin
Sep 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
A jaw clicks or crack, as some people describe it, can be a painful and annoying sensation. It is believed to be caused by a malfunction in the temporomandibular joints (TMJ). With jaw cracking, there is usually a clicking sound that comes from the jaw, which occurs at the same time as the pain. The TMJ joints connect the jaw to the skull and include a joint on each side. The action of the hinge on the joint allows us to speak, chew and yawn. It is important to note that not all jaw creaking is due to a problem with the temporomandibular joints. There are cases where people hear a cracking noise and feel a strange sensation when they extend their jaw too far. For example, when you open your mouth too wide while yawning, it may thunder. If you click your jaw and feel no pain, it often means you have no reason to worry. While doctors don't fully understand jaw clenching, here we share what is known about its causes, symptoms, and treatment. What are the causes of cracking jaw? This condition sounds strange to many people. Those who have never experienced it wonder what causes the jaw to snap. There are several causes, including those listed below: Erosion When people frequently chew gum, bite their nails, grind their teeth, clench their jaw, stick their jaw out, or bite their lip or cheek, it can lead to wear and tear on the joints. This wear causes erosion. Arthritis This common condition can damage the cartilage of the temporomandibular joint. For example, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are known to affect the jaw. When there is a loss of cartilage, the movements of the jaw do not have good absorption in the joint cavity. Broken or dislocated jaw A serious injury can break or dislocate the jaw. Basically, the jaw joint goes haywire. A physical assault, a car accident, a fall, sports injuries, or industrial accidents can cause a dislocated or broken jaw. This type of injury requires prompt and proper treatment. Malocclusion of teeth It is the same as crossbite, overbite, underbite, open bite, or clenched teeth. Poor occlusion of the teeth leads to misalignment, which can change a person's facial appearance, cause biting of the inner cheeks or tongue, cause discomfort when chewing, and cause speech problems. Myofascial pain syndrome (MDS) SDM is a chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system. When it's on the jaw, it makes the jaw pop or click. People with MDS have trigger points that are sensitive. These trigger points are particularly painful when pressure is applied to them. If someone has myofascial pain syndrome, they may experience worse pain when stretching the muscle, a smaller range of motion in the affected area, as well as difficulty sleeping. Sleep apnea Both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (ACS) can cause jaw clenching. People with OSA often experience headaches, depression, and swelling of the legs. Those who have ACS tend to have difficulty swallowing; they may experience a change in speech patterns and generally feel weak. Infection An infection in the salivary gland can cause the jaw to pop. The infection usually occurs within the glands of the cheek, the glands under the jaw, or the glands located under the tongue. Some people with this type of infection cannot open their mouth fully, causing the jaw to click. Tumor The jaw can be affected by a tumor that develops on the lips, tongue, cheeks, gums, floor of the mouth, or hard or soft palate. When the tumor interferes with the movement of the jaw, it is when there is a sensation of popping. Symptoms That May Accompany Cracking Jaw There are cases where a popping jaw may be the only symptom, but in other cases, there are various symptoms that can affect the jaw. The following list covers the most common symptoms of a cracking jaw. · Pain and discomfort · Tenderness in the jaw or face · Difficulty opening your mouth · Lockjaw · Difficulty eating · Neck Pain · A toothache · Earache · Headache · Facial swelling How to treat jaw popping? If you or someone you know wants to know how to stop jaw cracking, you need to make a proper diagnosis first, then a doctor can suggest the best approach to solve the problem. Here we review the different treatment options for this jaw problem that doctors recommend depending on the cause. These include home remedies and medical treatments. Medications: Some people are prescribed anti-inflammatory medications that can help relieve swelling and pain in the jaw and face. Heat and ice for jaw crunch: Using an ice pack on the jaw for about 15 minutes, followed by a warm compress for 10 minutes, can help relieve symptoms in some people. Avoid hard foods - Raw vegetables or chewy foods can make the outbreak and other symptoms worse, so avoid eating such foods. Choose softer foods like yogurt and cooked vegetables. Food should be eaten in small bites so that you don't need to open your mouth too wide. If you're concerned about missing your favorite foods, some doctors report that after avoiding hard foods for a while, many jaw patients can go back to eating harder foods, albeit slowly. Relax your jaw: When you hold your mouth slightly open, it leaves a gap between your teeth that can help relieve pressure on your jaw. Manage stress: Reducing stress can ease a jaw popping, especially if the problem stems from stress-related teeth grinding. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and physical activity can help. Don't over-extend your jaw: Avoid activities that open your mouth, such as yelling, singing, or chewing gum. Maintain good posture: You can reduce facial misalignment by maintaining good posture. Physical therapy: Massage and face lifts can be helpful for some people with these types of jaw problems. However, this should first be discussed with a doctor. Wear a night guard - it can help you avoid grinding your teeth while you sleep. A night guard or splint can also be used to treat malocclusion of the teeth. Dental work: Problems such as overbites and underbites that lead to a jaw click can be addressed with dental work. Nerve stimulation: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a procedure that uses electrical currents to help relax the muscles of the face and jaw to relieve pain. Injections: Some people with myofascial pain syndrome may receive injections into their trigger points that can relieve symptoms. Ultrasound: Applying heat to the joint with ultrasound can improve jaw mobility and reduce or stop pain. Laser or radio wave therapy: This is a treatment that stimulates movement and relieves pain in the jaw, mouth, and neck areas. Surgery: This last resort approach to treating jaw clenching often depends on the underlying problem and its severity. Some potential surgeries include removing fluid from the joint (arthrocentesis), replacing or repairing the joint (open joint surgery), or using very small surgical instruments to repair the joint (arthroscopy). A jaw with this problem can be aggravating and painful, but it does not have to dictate the quality of your life. With proper evaluation and care, many people who experience this sensation find ways to cope and recover from it. There are many different treatment options and the need for surgery is rare. The lymph, or lymphatic, system is a major part of the immune system. It's a network of lymph nodes and vessels. Lymphatic vessels are thin tubes that branch, like blood vessels, throughout the body. They carry a clear fluid called lymph. Lymph contains tissue fluid, waste products, and immune system cells. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped clumps of immune system cells that are connected by lymphatic vessels. They contain white blood cells that trap viruses, bacteria, and other invaders, including cancer cells. Turmeric Total Boost
maya justin
Sep 01, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
This is a juice with apple juice or apple juice, which is great if you really want to give your body really good things. All its ingredients are considered superfoods, that's enough to start with, and consider starting to do it; In addition, it includes three foods that have been shown to contain properties that reduce the risk of cancer, this is enough to know that the next juice you should include it every day! Apples Everyone knows that apples are good for health. They are a rich and varied source of phytochemicals, which are powerful antioxidants. Several studies have shown that the apple cure is very effective, simply the regular consumption of apples reduces the risk of some types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, asthma and diabetes. Apples have been found to have very strong antioxidant activity, inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, decrease lipid oxidation, and lower cholesterol. Apple juice is excellent for stimulating the digestive system, cleansing the liver and kidneys. Ginger The ginger is twice more effective than many common medications for motion sickness and may decrease the side effects of chemotherapy. The scientists discovered that ginger can kill cancer cells in two different ways. The first way is apoptosis, ginger causes cancer cells to "commit suicide" by destroying themselves and leaving the surrounding healthy cells intact. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger prevent precancerous tumors creating the perfect breeding ground and climax for proper growth. The second way is autophagy, ginger tricks cancer cells into eating themselves. Unfortunately, this promising research has only been done in mice. However, it appears that humans might be able to get the same benefit by eating ginger and ginger root products, and it doesn't take much to reach the equivalent levels used in these previous studies. L to cancer prevention and fighting ability are not the only potential benefits that can be obtained adding a little ginger to your diet. Ginger also helps reduce inflammation, blocking the necessary genes that create inflammation in the first place and curing a wide range of ailments such as headaches, colds, nausea and asthma among many others. If you usually drink hot drinks, you can boil 4 cups of water and once removed from the pot, add grated fresh ginger (5 cm). When it cools a little, add honey and lemon and drink it slowly. It will help you relax and fight cold, sore throat, flu, nausea, and indigestion. Cleaning and healing with apple juice Ingredients: · 3 Granny Smith apples · ½ of a lemon · 1 piece of ginger (about the size of half a thumb) · 1 clove garlic · 1 cup of water preparation: Pass it all through the blender including the water. If you wish, you can avoid garlic, but this juice gives a very good taste and we are already aware of the wide benefits that garlic has for health. Drink it immediately. If you exercise regularly, it will help you in maintaining a moderate weight & increase insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity means the cells are better able to utilize the available sugar in the bloodstream. Exercise will also help muscles use blood sugar for energy and muscle contraction. Ceracare Diabetes Reviews
maya justin
Aug 31, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
If we say that we are going to talk about an herbaceous plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, you would surely read this far. But if we say that we are going to explain the properties of turmeric and that it is also the plant with whose root curry is made, and we include in the information that this spice is the basis of the preparation of Asian cuisine dishes, surely you will be interested in this article. Because you have to know that turmeric is much more than a simple coloring or seasoning that will give our dishes flavor and exoticism. Turmeric provides us with dietary fiber, vitamins C, E and K, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, among other nutrients. It is time for you to know the different properties of turmeric and you can apply them to improve your health and the appearance of your skin. The properties of turmeric in the kitchen Although you may not be aware of it, we are actually eating small amounts of turmeric in many of the foods we bring home from the supermarket. As the European Union includes it within food additives, on the product label it does not appear as such but as E100. And in this way, we do find it in some types of cheeses or mustards and especially in curries whose proportion is 20% For the kitchen, it is a natural product that is used as a colorant, especially in mustards. It is also common to use it as a substitute for saffron, and to give flavor and aroma to pastry and bakery products. It gives an intense yellow color to stews and that special color to mustard. The properties of turmeric Use the properties of turmeric to make a salad dressing with flavor and color and taste a dish that will provide you with vitamin C from citrus fruits, Omega-3 from flax seeds and vitamin E from olive oil. You need: · Olive oil (Four tablespoons) · Lemon juice (One tablespoon) · Orange juice (Two tablespoons) · Flax seeds (One tablespoon) · One teaspoon of turmeric. · A pinch of black pepper How to use: dress the salad just at the time of serving to make the most of the vitamin C and, "Bon Appétit" The properties of turmeric on a medicinal level · Properties of turmeric as a natural antiseptic as it helps accelerate the healing process of skin wounds. · Properties of turmeric as an antioxidant helping to delay cellular aging as it fights free radicals. · Properties of turmeric to control cholesterol levels, because it acts on the absorption of cholesterol that we eat. · Antibacterial properties of turmeric that allows us to have gums in good condition. · Properties of turmeric to prevent the formation of blood clots by improving blood circulation. Due to its powerful healing properties, if we include turmeric in our diet, we can help keep many diseases at bay. Besides acting as a natural tonic in states of exhaustion, it helps diabetics lower their blood sugar. For this reason, you can have a drink based on hot milk and a teaspoon of turmeric daily. Turmeric for cancer Curcumin is a promising candidate as a cancer treatment. It selectively kills tumor cells while leaving normal cells unharmed and works synergistically to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation when it is carried out. Suggested dosage of turmeric consumption for general health Most of us in Western countries are familiar with turmeric found in the dry spice section at the grocery store. But you can buy turmeric root in some product sections - it looks a lot like ginger, a "raw" plant that is another source of curcumin. Suggested turmeric dosages for adults: · Fresh root: 1.5-3 grams per day · Dried, powdered root: 1-3 grams per day · Fluid extract (1: 1): 30-90 drops per day · Tincture (1: 2): 15-30 drops, 4 times a day The recommended dosage for curcumin - a standardized powder supplement - is 400-600 mg, 3 times a day. The properties of turmeric on a cosmetic level · We can use turmeric internally and on our skin. · Due to the moisturizing properties of turmeric, it is a perfect product to act against the dryness of our skin. But it will also enhance your appearance by restoring shine and radiance. · Turmeric acts against acne and reduces the presence of stretch marks. Returns the shine to the skin of your face thanks to the properties of turmeric: You need: · ¼ teaspoon of turmeric. · 5 drops of lemon. · 2 tablespoons of coffee with blended cucumber. How to use: Mix well all the ingredients. You just have to apply the mask on a clean face and leave it on for 10 minutes. To finish, wash your face with warm water. Your hands can also benefit from the properties of turmeric: You need: · One teaspoon of olive oil. · ¼ teaspoon of turmeric. · A cup of warm water. How to use: Mix the turmeric and olive oil well and then add them to the water. Put this liquid in a container where you can leave your hands submerged for 5 minutes. Afterwards, it will be enough to rinse them with warm water. Uses of turmeric in the little ones: And for the little ones, how can I make use of the properties of turmeric? Children seem to be a powerful magnet to attract stains and because of their ability to play without rest, they also often bring bruises and a small cut home. Applying turmeric powder will help support the healing process. We invite you to read this report on a r healing emedio turmeric with honey. The first step of this meditation is to relax your entire body, body part by body part. Start with the top of your head and relax this area, then focus on your forehead and relax this section, from the front of your head to the back and the middle, too, if you can. Then move down to your eyes, relax everything here, then your nose, below your nose, and your lips. Step by step focus on each area and relax all of the muscles you can. Shambala Secret
maya justin
Aug 30, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
The human body is an incredibly complex biochemical machine. This becomes very evident the moment something begins to fail in our body. For example, maybe you've been feeling more stress and anxiety lately. This stress and anxiety may have started to affect your quality of sleep. And the less you sleep, the more stressed and anxious you will feel, creating a vicious cycle. What could be causing this? There can be several causes, but did you know that taking magnesium can be the solution to your insomnia problems? Sometimes the last place you would think of may actually be the right place to look. Many people do not know that magnesium deficiency can be related to a higher level of stress and anxiety and a poor quality of sleep. In this article, you will learn more about what magnesium is, what it does, and how it works to relieve stress and anxiety and give you a better night's rest. What is magnesium? Magnesium is a trace mineral that occurs naturally in many things on the planet and in the human body. Magnesium is one of the most important trace minerals for maintaining healthy body function. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, adult women need 310 to 320 mg of magnesium per day and adult men need 400 to 420 mg per day. However, it's always a good idea to talk to your healthcare professional to find out exactly how much magnesium to take per day based on your age, status (pregnant or not), gender, and general health. This is even more important if you are taking any medications or are recovering from any health condition that may affect the natural levels of magnesium in your body. Why should you take magnesium? Taking magnesium is a must, no more than 300 important enzymes found in the body depend on magnesium to do their job well. Some of the jobs these magnesium-dependent enzymes do include contracting muscles, producing energy and protein, and helping your de-stress and sleep. According to the National Institute of Health in the United States, magnesium also plays a role in blood pressure, protein production, nerve function, and control over blood glucose levels. Magnesium contributes to the formation of healthy bones and muscles and even helps regulate the heartbeat. It goes without saying that if you don't take in enough daily amounts of magnesium, almost every system in your body can begin to fail. What impact does magnesium deficiency have? Magnesium deficiency can cause a variety of serious health symptoms. The most common symptoms of a developing magnesium deficiency are: fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle spasms and cramps, listlessness, depression, anxiety, onset of bone weakness associated with osteoporosis, high blood pressure, asthma, and irregular heartbeats. The National Institute of Health also mentions loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, numbness, coronary spasms, personality changes, and the onset of certain serious health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and migraines. How important is magnesium to your sleep health? Magnesium is one of the 24 most important nutrients for your body. It is also one of the seven main macronutrients your body needs to function optimally. There are a number of ways magnesium deficiency can affect the quality of your night's rest. Stress and anxiety One of the most annoying problems when it comes to getting quality sleep is high levels of stress and anxiety. In other words, it is difficult to fall asleep if you feel very anxious or stressed. Magnesium plays a role in the regulation of GABA, a neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain. Low GABA levels are linked to chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and even epilepsy. GABA imbalance has also been linked to panic disorder and sleep disorders. Take magnesium for better digestion and intestinal health Magnesium deficiency can also cause digestive disorders and poor bowel function. Interestingly, research showed that magnesium deficiency can change your gut flora to a degree that you can start to experience symptoms of depression. Depression and mood Magnesium deficiency can be a contributing factor to depression. Supplementing magnesium has been shown to improve symptoms of depression in one to two weeks according to recent research. Muscle cramps, aches and pains Modern medicine has succeeded in establishing a link between muscle cramps, spasms, and weakness, with magnesium deficiency. Research has also shown a connection between magnesium deficiency and "mysterious" chronic health conditions like restless legs syndrome, which can cause ongoing insomnia in affected people. Each of these health conditions associated with magnesium deficiency are problematic enough on their own in the development of sleep disorders. When they are all put together at the same time, it is much easier to understand how magnesium deficiency can contribute to chronic restless leg syndrome or insomnia. What is the magnesium dose needed to sleep? Before taking any type of magnesium supplement for sleep, it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor. Especially if you are currently taking any medication that can interact with magnesium or for which magnesium supplements may be contraindicated. A quick consultation with your doctor can help you decide if now is the right time to start taking magnesium supplements so you can enjoy better sleep. Having received medical clearance, the typical recommended starting dose for adults is 100-350 mg of magnesium per day. Your doctor may also want to do a blood test to give you more individual recommendations on how much magnesium to take daily. It may be a good idea to start with the lowest recommended daily dose and see how your body reacts before increasing the dose. This will also give your body time to gradually absorb and get used to the increased magnesium. How do you have to take magnesium to be able to sleep? There are several different ways to take magnesium in order to promote better sleep. You don't have to choose just one type of supplement for this - you can experiment to see what works best for you. Diet with foods rich in magnesium You can ingest magnesium through different foods. For example, did you know that a square of dark chocolate can give you 24 percent of the daily value for magnesium? Other foods rich in magnesium that you can add to your diet include avocado, chard, spinach, almonds, yogurt, kefir, bananas, black beans, figs, and pumpkin seeds. Magnesium supplements It is not always possible to receive all the magnesium your body needs to sleep better through your diet. In this case, there are a number of supplements that can increase your daily magnesium intake and thus allow you to have a more restful sleep. Magnesium oil is a mixture of magnesium chloride and water. Magnesium oil has been shown to improve sleep and promote general calm and relaxation. You can use it as a spray, and apply it topically by massaging or as a skincare product, or even as a deodorant! Transdermal magnesium, which is another form of topical magnesium supplement, is also being tested in several studies, as another way to apply topical magnesium chloride to increase your magnesium levels. There are also numerous magnesium supplements, including tablets and capsules, that you can add to your daily health care routine. Magnesium as a supplement is offered in several forms, including magnesium chelate, magnesium chloride, magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium orotate, and magnesium threonate. The type of magnesium supplement you choose can be by personal preference; for example, athletes often prefer magnesium chloride, while those with digestive problems may opt for magnesium citrate. When in doubt, talk to your doctor about what might be the best option for you. Does magnesium have any side effects? Taking magnesium to sleep is generally considered safe as long as you don't take more than the recommended daily dose. For this, you can follow the supplement manufacturer's dosage recommendations or speak with your doctor for specific instructions. If daily doses greater than 600 mg per day are ingested, some people report experiencing a laxative effect. Otherwise, your body will just naturally excrete the excess magnesium through your urine and it will not affect you in any way. What does the research say about taking magnesium to sleep? If you're unsure about taking magnesium to improve the quality of your sleep, it may be helpful to read more about what various research has shown when evaluating the impact of magnesium on sleep. The Journal of Research in Medical Sciences reported that magnesium in supplemental form was able to make "statistically significant" increases in sleep time for elderly study participants. Given that an estimated 50 percent of older adults have trouble sleeping, this study found that magnesium use may be vital for improving sleep later in life. The Oxford Academic Journal Sleep reported that it found magnesium supplementation to be effective in helping restless leg syndrome patients combat nocturnal insomnia. Magnesium supplements were able to reduce the amount of incidence of the syndrome at night, which contributed to an overall better quality of sleep. An MIT report on the interaction between magnesium supplements and fibromyalgia showed results in their studies that magnesium can reduce the body's chronic pain and discomfort, which is often associated with insomnia in fibromyalgia patients. Vitamins and Minerals reported that magnesium supplementation provided better overall cognitive well-being, including improvements in mood and sleep, and lower levels of stress. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine studied how magnesium levels and depression are linked in affected adults. Younger adults in particular benefited from taking magnesium to improve symptoms of depression. Should you take magnesium to sleep? Deciding whether to take magnesium to improve sleep quality is a very personal one. In general, it is important to know that approximately one-half to three-quarters of all adults are magnesium deficient. This also coincides with reports from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in the United States, which indicate that one in three adults worldwide does not get enough sleep. Still ongoing research from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's shows that good sleep is vital to virtually everything from healthy brain function to emotional well-being, good physical health, and safety at work and school. . People who do not get constant good sleep can experience a number of health risks, from emotional upheavals to car accidents. All these data point to one fact: sleep is vital to your well-being. If you have suffered from chronic sleep disorders and other remedies that you have tried have not helped you improve your quality and quantity of sleep, you may consider taking magnesium to improve your sleep once and for all. You have many options to increase your daily magnesium intake, from changing your diet, topical preparations or a variety of supplements with which you can find the right option that works best for your schedule and needs. After about two to seven days of following the keto diet, you go into something called ketosis, or the state your body enters when it doesn't have enough carbs for your cells to use for energy. That's when you start making ketones, or organic compounds that your bod then uses in place of those missing carbs. Exogenous Ketones Keto
maya justin
Aug 04, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
There are certain dishes that you consume regularly thinking that they are healthy or 'light' and are actually quite unhealthy There are certain foods and foods that never, ever take a nutritionist and that we mortals eat regularly. Some of us think they are healthy, and others we know they are not but we have no idea that they are so bad for our health. To find out what is good for us and what is not, what better way than to listen to what those who know the most about food and nutrition have to say. We collect what various experts have said about what they never eat, under any circumstances. Attentive: 1) Processed meat " Processed deli meats such as ham, fuet and cheap sausages are just a few examples of highly processed meats that I would never eat. Among their many unhealthy characteristics is the presence of nitrates used as preservatives, which have been classified as causing cancer for humans, " says nutritionist Kim Pearson. 2) 'low fat' processed foods Pearson also doesn't eat 'light' processed foods: "I understand the appeal of 'diet' and 'low-fat' foods, but still, I don't eat them. These foods are, by definition, highly processed. When you extract fat from a food is almost always replaced by sugar or artificial sweeteners. " "The idea that fat is bad or the main cause of weight gain has been disproved by numerous studies. We now know that sugars (and excess starchy carbohydrates) are largely responsible for weight gain. I prefer to continue with the natural version and with fat. Healthier and definitely tastier! ", he adds. [The healthy 'snacks' scam] 3) Pepperoni "I personally don't like the taste, but more importantly, I prefer to top my pizza with nutritious vegetables than overly processed meat," says Keri Gams, nutritionist and author of The Small Change Diet. 4) 'Light' soft drinks "Unfortunately, the sweet taste of these sodas increases sugar cravings and causes us to eat more calories throughout the day. I recommend slowly eliminating diet sodas from the diet, as they are all chemistry. If you are looking for an extra caffeine boost, try iced tea, notes Keri Glassm an. "It's literally a liquid candy with no nutritional value. Why bother taking it?" Adds Joy Bauer, nutrition expert and founder of NourishSnacks. [This is what a Coke does to your body] 5) Margarine and butter substitutes "Margarine and vegetable spreads have been marketed as healthier alternatives to butter, but the truth is that they are not. Often, what attracts people is the belief that they are nutritionally better because of their level of lower in saturated fat. It's best to turn to unadulterated fats like coconut oil for cooking and olive oil for dressings, "says Pearson, mentioned earlier. 6) Cereals and 'light' dairy "Most diet cereals are loaded with added sugars and lacking in protein and fiber. If you start the day with that for breakfast, you will go downhill without brakes, as you will be hungry in no time and see your energy crash within two hours. , once the sugar has been processed, "says Brooke Alpert , nutritionist and founder of B Nutritious . " I avoid skimmed dairy whenever possible. I think fat is a very important part of every meal, so I prefer them whole," he adds. 7) Bacon "Bacon is a food that I have not eaten since I was a child. Its high content of saturated fat and sodium make me avoid it," says Gans. 8) Hot dogs "Processed meat loaded with preservatives and hardly any protein? No thanks!" Says Joy Bauer, nutrition expert and founder of NourishSnacks. The Ketogenic diets, also known as keto diet, has been snatching the limelight of the world ever since the “quick weight loss” industry started gaining momentum. Keto diet was initially invented to treat health conditions like epilepsy and seizures. Now, since celebrities started endorsing the keto diet for weight loss and management, it is now being widely used for weight loss and for the management of diseases like Type 2 Diabetes. Xoth Keto BHB
maya justin
Jul 30, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Is it better to train in the morning or in the afternoon? Surely this is a question that you usually have when practicing a routine either to lose weight, tone the body or simply improve your health. Next, we will tell you what is the ideal time to exercise and get in shape more quickly. We all have different organisms, we even have completely different habits; This tells us that we are not always going to obtain the same benefits as our best friend, and that perhaps our friend's routine is not the most suitable for us. Sometimes we have asked ourselves the question at what time can I train? since we hear many people say that at this or that time it is good to train, either because you are more active or because your body is less pressured; everything can influence, the important thing is to understand that not all of us function in the same way and that our daily routine can be a determining variable in the achievement of objectives. Tomorrow or afternoon? First we must know something called " circadian rhythm." The circadian rhythm includes physical and mental changes, including behavioral changes that occur in the 24-hour cycle that comprises the day; these behaviors are manifested according to light and dark, including the weather seasons. An example of how this rhythm works is food, we know when it is time for breakfast because it is daytime and we are starting to get up, just as we know that dinner time is approaching when we see that the sky begins to darken. As you can see, this is what we commonly call the “Biological Clock”. This clock indicates to our body when it is time to eat, sleep, even go to the bathroom; however, we can adapt it little by little with routine and reward to adapt it to a different style. The circadian rhythm is a variable that can tell us when we can or rather, when it is the monument in which our body is able to perform X or Y activity; which will mark the capacity of each individual at the time of performing these exercises. Our body is governed by an innumerable amount of variables such as circulation, body temperature, heart rate, and above all, hormones, so it will not always be the perfect day or afternoon to train. Taking into account these biological variables, we are going to explain a little how you can choose the schedule that best suits you, since as we have said throughout the article, our organisms are completely and totally different. Feasible exercise schedules Some scientists explain that from the physiological and metabolic point of view, it is advisable to do exercises in hours away from meals, there are those who recommend 7 in the morning to start the routine; but this is feasible for those whose daily routine starts very early, therefore they can start the day with a good jog or a cardio routine, all as long as it does not exceed 45 minutes. To perform these morning workouts, you must first of all drink a glass of water when you get up and try to eat light things like yogurt with strawberries, the food should be done 10 minutes before training. An interesting fact is that you must stretch very well, since the body comes from a long rest, thus avoiding injuries and discomfort. On the other hand, there are those who support doing routines in the middle of the afternoon, that is, between 4 and 6 in the afternoon. The great advantage is that if you are one of those who usually leaves work late or who simply likes to get enough sleep in the morning, this schedule is very comfortable. One of the aspects that make this schedule one of the favorites is that you are already active and it allows you to release the stress of work during the routine; Also, you generally tend to have more accumulated energy from breakfast, lunch, and snacks, which gives you more stamina. Another point in favor is that the physical level is at its best, therefore you can demand a little more, which is equal to having better and more remarkable results, even in less time. Finally, another advantage is that it helps to burn the accumulated energies, helping to sleep better, since the system is exhausted. Of course, remember that exercise leads you to eat a little more, so you must counteract hunger with not-so-heavy foods at night, and enough water. Once men find themselves facing any kind of prostate health issue, whether it is prostate cancer, enlarged prostate due to benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), or prostatitis, they immediately want to know what they can do. While the best plan is to prevent prostate problems through a healthy lifestyle, the good news is that there are actually many natural ways that a man can promote better prostate health even if he already has symptoms or a diagnosis of a problem. ProstaStream
maya justin
Jul 27, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
It is common for many parents to go to the pediatrician with the concern that their child is still wetting the bed while sleeping, despite the fact that during the day they do notify when they want to go to the bathroom. This problem is known by the medical term nocturnal enuresis. What is nocturnal enuresis? (to wet the bed) Enuresis is a problem that consists of the involuntary loss of urine at any time of the day, although it is more common that occurs at night. It is striking that nocturnal enuresis not only occurs in childhood, but can also be seen in adults. So if this disorder is suspected, its causes should be specified to provide the most appropriate treatment. In this article we will answer some very frequent questions about enuresis. Why does a child wet the bed? The first thing to specify is whether this situation is presenting itself as a primary form (the child has never stopped wetting the bed) or secondary (after the child spent the whole night without wetting the bed, the problem reappears). Subsequently, the entire environment of the child should be evaluated, psychosocial problems, fluid intake, the frequency with which he urinates during the day, the weather, if someone else in his family wets the bed, how is the nutrition of the child and his personality. Causes of enuresis or involuntary urination The causes of a boy or a girl wetting the bed are varied and can range from local urinary tract disorders to systemic diseases and psychological causes. Among the causes of this condition are: · Urinary tract infections · Neurological disorders that cause bladder motility disorders, such as neurogenic bladder. · Type 1 diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by an increase in the frequency of urination, so in children glycemia (blood glucose) controls should be done to rule out this cause. · Diabetes insipidus: produced by the decrease in levels of the hormone vasopressin (also called antidiuretic), which produces an excess of urine elimination. · Sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea. · Urinary malformations such as urethral stricture and alterations in the anatomy of the ureters (structures that conduct urine from the bladder to the urethra), for example, the presence of ectopic ureters. · Humid and cold climates. · Psychological causes such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, fear of staying alone in the room, fear of going to the bathroom alone, family losses, separations or, on the contrary, joys and anxiety. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, it is estimated that the majority of cases, of children who wet the bed, are attributable to psychological causes. Can an adult wet the bed? Why is this happening? The answer to the first question is yes. Unlike children, nocturnal enuresis in adults occurs mainly due to structural alterations of the urinary system and neurological disorders. Among the structural alterations of the urinary system, the following are common: cases of vaginal prolapse; in addition to the cases of people with recurrent cystitis associated with urethral stricture, stones within the ureters or bladder, malformations in the ureters and bladder, among others. On the other hand, neurological disorders, such as cerebrovascular accidents, degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, tumors of the nervous system and demyelinating diseases can cause neurological disorders at the bladder level, preventing its correct emptying, which causes the patient to wet the bed frequently and warrant the use of a diaper. Some neurological disorders (stroke, head trauma, and tumors) can cause central diabetes insipidus. Another important pathology to consider is Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in adults, which can be a cause of increased voiding frequency. Constipation and the use of diuretics (medicines to urinate for any condition that warrants it) are also frequent causes, especially in elderly patients. Finally, psychological causes could be ruled out in adults with a history of mental retardation, Down syndrome, schizophrenia, and other disorders. How can nocturnal enuresis be treated? In children, bedwetting can be considered a growth condition and can be accepted if it occurs occasionally. The pediatrician must emphasize that the child must urinate before sleeping, not consume liquids at night, condition the room so that they do not feel cold and the psychological support of the parents to face their fears, being sometimes necessary the evaluation of a child psychologist. In children and adults, if a urological pathology is suspected, a urologist should be consulted to rule out that the patient requires surgery. In adults with neurological pathology, the reversibility of the urinary picture will be determined by the treatment of the underlying condition. When you’re eating the foods that get you there (more on that in a minute), your body can enter a state of ketosis in one to three days, she adds. During the diet, the majority of calories you consume come from fat, with a little protein and very little carbohydrates. keto also happens if you eat a very low-calorie diet think doctor-supervised, medically recommended diets of 600 to 800 total calories per day. Kapex
maya justin
Jul 01, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
The Japanese have a life expectancy that is among the highest in the world. In fact, Okinawa, Japan's famous "Island of Longevity," probably has the highest percentage of people over 100 in the world. Undoubtedly, there are many factors that influence the lives of older populations, but the evidence shows that they all have one thing in common: high dietary intake of an amino acid called taurine. The connection between taurine and long life is so strong that researchers have dubbed taurine "The nutritional factor for longevity of the Japanese." Taurine promotes cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity, electrolyte balance, hearing function, and immune modulation. In animal research, taurine protects against heart failure, reducing mortality by almost 80%. Taurine is found in abundance in healthy bodies. However, certain diets, particularly vegetarian or vegan diets, lack adequate amounts of taurine. Disease states, including liver, kidney, or heart failure, diabetes, and cancer, can cause taurine deficiency. And aging bodies are often unable to produce an optimal amount of taurine internally, making supplementation vital. What is taurine Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is a type of amino acid found in the body and is considered the most abundant amino acid in the heart, retina, skeletal muscle, brain, and immune cells. The word "taurine" comes from the Latin word taurus, which means bull or ox, because it was first isolated from ox bile in 1827 by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin. However, contrary to popular belief, there is no association between taurine and bull sperm. In fact, it is found in a variety of natural sources, both in the body and throughout the food supply. Like other amino acids like glutamine and proline, it is a conditionally essential amino acid. This means that the body can generally produce it on its own, except in times of illness and stress. L-taurine is often added to energy drinks for those looking to take advantage of the potential benefits of taurine. It is also widely available in supplement form and may be beneficial for people at risk for taurine deficiency, including those receiving parenteral nutrition or those with chronic heart, liver, or kidney failure. Benefits of taurine Those interested in longevity should consider this very low-cost and vital nutrient. The following are some of the most important benefits of increasing taurine levels. 1. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease Studies show that taurine can help reduce the risk of heart disease, thanks to its ability to lower blood pressure and inflammation. In fact, animal models suggest that a higher intake might help protect against heart disease and prevent fatty plaque buildup in the arteries. A study in Japan found that taking 3 grams a day for seven weeks led to significant reductions in body weight and triglyceride levels, both of which are risk factors for heart disease. It also decreased the atherogenic index, a measure used to predict the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. 2. Could decrease symptoms of Parkinson's disease Studies indicate that taurine may help with the regeneration of brain cells, which may be beneficial for treating neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease. Interestingly, research shows that people with Parkinson's disease were more likely to have lower levels of taurine compared to a control group. Not only that, but lower levels were also associated with higher motor severity. Some research suggests that it may help reduce the severity of symptoms by altering the activity of a specific enzyme involved in mitochondrial function. 3. Potentially reduces metabolic syndrome Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. These conditions include high blood pressure, excess belly fat, increased cholesterol or triglyceride levels, and high blood sugar levels. A 2016 review published in Food & Function, looked at a combination of human and animal studies, and reported that taurine was found to have “efficient action against metabolic syndrome, including lowering triglycerides to prevent obesity, improve insulin resistance to regulate glucose metabolism, lower cholesterol to prevent diet-induced hypercholesterolemia, and lower blood pressure”. While more research is definitely needed, other research also indicates that it might be beneficial in preventing metabolic syndrome when combined with regular physical activity and a healthy, full diet. 4. Helps patients with periodontal disease Taurine acts as an antioxidant, which means that it can help fight harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative stress in the body. Some research also shows that it may be beneficial in treating periodontal disease, which is a type of gum infection often caused by poor brushing and flossing. A study conducted at Annamalai University in India found that giving taurine to people with chronic periodontitis reduces oxidative stress on the gums and blood, which could help promote healing and improve oral health. 5. Can improve sports performance Many athletes often take a taurine supplement to increase physical performance and improve endurance. In one study, eight middle-distance runners consumed 1,000 milligrams two hours before running, which was found to increase performance by an average of 1.7 percent. Another study conducted in Japan showed that taurine supplementation was linked to improvements in strength and endurance, thanks to its ability to act as an antioxidant and protect against exercise-induced DNA damage. Animal models and human studies have also found that taurine can help prevent muscle injury and increase fat burning during exercise, which can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to increasing athletic performance. Taurine-containing foods Taurine is naturally found in a variety of meats and dairy products. For most people, this means that if you eat a balanced diet, you will probably get everything you need. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the typical omnivorous diet provides between 9 and 400 milligrams of taurine per day. The dietary intake on a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is estimated to be about 17 milligrams per day, and many vegan diets are completely lacking in this important amino acid. However, except in times of extreme illness and stress, the body can produce taurine on its own, and some research suggests that the body may excrete less to maintain levels when intake is also low. Although it is often found in sports drinks and supplements, there are also many natural sources of this important amino acid available. Here are some of the main sources of taurine: · Meat and poultry: 11 to 306 milligrams / 100 grams wet weight · Seafood - 11 to 827 milligrams / 100 grams wet weight · Dairy products: two to eight milligrams / 100 milliliters · Breast milk and infant formula: four to seven milligrams / 100 milliliters Supplements and dosage recommendations Taurine supplements are available in capsule or powder form. The dosage of taurine can vary depending on several different factors, but most supplements contain between 500 and 1,000 milligrams per serving. However, doses up to 3,000 milligrams have been shown to be safe and are associated with minimal risk of side effects. Make sure to speak with your doctor before starting supplementation if you have any underlying health conditions. Also, consider starting with a lower dose and moving forward to assess your tolerance and prevent adverse health effects. Many also recommend a taurine supplement for dogs or taurine for cats to help prevent complications and improve outcomes for pets diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). However, most pets can meet their needs for this important amino acid only through diet, so talk to your vet to determine if supplementation is appropriate for your furry friend. Dangers and possible side effects of taurine Although it has been considered generally safe to consume, it is important to practice moderation with all supplements to avoid potential side effects of taurine. Consult with your doctor before beginning supplementation, and when possible, simply get it through a balanced diet. When consumed in energy drinks, the danger potential of taurine can be increased. Energy drinks have been linked to serious safety concerns, leading to a ban on this important amino acid in several countries. However, it is not clear if these health problems could be caused by taurine itself or its combination with caffeine and other potentially harmful ingredients. While some animal research suggests that taurine might be beneficial for mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, other studies have found that it might worsen the symptoms of bipolar disorder and mania. If you have any mental health conditions, talk to your doctor before starting supplementation. Supplementation is also not recommended for people with kidney problems, as it could worsen kidney function and exacerbate symptoms. Pregnant or lactating women should also avoid its use, as no research has been conducted on the health and safety of supplements for these populations. Finally, taurine can also act as a natural diuretic to increase the excretion of water from the body. Therefore, it can interfere with certain medications such as lithium, which can decrease their effectiveness. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body doesn’t make or use the hormone insulin properly. It causes too much blood glucose (sugar) to build up in the blood. There are 2 main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your body doesn’t produce any insulin. It’s sometimes called juvenile diabetes because it’s usually discovered in children and teenagers, but it may appear in adults, too. Gluconite Reviews
maya justin
Jul 01, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Remember when your mother encouraged you to drink all your orange juice in the morning to get your vitamin C? Orange juice is just one of many delicious and healthy options that provide this vital nutrient, also known as ascorbate. Your body needs vitamin C to repair tissues and to build healthy neurotransmitters in your brain. It is soluble in water, which means that it dissolves in water and travels throughout the body without being stored. Ascorbate is found in some of your favorite foods, especially fruits. What Happens When You Have Vitamin C Deficiencies? The deficiency of vitamin C can cause a disease called scurvy, which causes weakness, softening of organs, bleeding gums and internal bleeding. If left untreated, the disease can be fatal. In the past, sailors who spent long periods at sea often succumbed to scurvy, and no one knew why. In the late 19th century in England, a doctor discovered that when sailors drank fresh lime juice, they did not get the dreaded scurvy. This is the origin of the British slang for sailors, limey. Over time, scientists discovered that it was the vitamins in lemon juice that kept the sailors healthy. Fortunately, in more developed countries scurvy is almost non-existent as we have access to fresh and healthy food options that provide more than enough ascorbate. If you need a boost in your vitamin C levels, you can also receive it as a chewable supplement. Are you and your family getting enough ascorbate in your diet? Doctors and nutritionists recommend at least 2,000 mg a day. Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties, protecting against oxidative stress and maintaining a healthy immune system. The benefits of vitamin C There is a wealth of evidence that keeping your body fortified with ascorbate can help prevent illnesses like the common cold and flu. Other studies suggest that if you catch a cold or get sick, ascorbate can shorten the duration of the illness. These are good reasons to get the vitamin C you need every day. You probably already know that fresh citrus fruits and juices are loaded with vitamins. How can you get enough ascorbate if you're on a low-acid diet or don't like citrus? There are other whole foods that you can enjoy. Using nature to supplement with vitamin C Not only are there some fruits that are rich in vitamins, but many vegetables are too. If you choose a colorful variety of fresh produce for your family's diet, they are likely to be packed with C and other nutrients. Try these fifteen nutritious food options to get your healthy dose of vitamin C. There are many low-carb foods that are high in vitamin C, which can help you meet the 40 mg recommendation of this vitamin per day. 1. Citrus fruits There is nothing like the acidic freshness of these tropical treasures. Since ancient times, cultures have enjoyed these delicious fruits in sweet and savory dishes or in juices for tasty drinks. Most of these fruits have a thick skin and a juicy interior that is divided into sections. For example, lemons, limes, grapefruit, oranges and their bittersweet relatives. You can get enough ascorbate in a single orange. 2. Strawberries The scent of freshly picked strawberries could make anyone smile. These are conglomerate or grouped fruits with multiple external seeds. Some botanical references classify strawberries as vegetables. Whichever way you look at them, these delicious fruits are an ideal source of vitamins. Strawberries are one of our favorite low-carb fruits, containing just 6.1g of carbohydrates per 100g. Enjoy it sliced ​​with cream for a quick and easy dessert. It also contains 57 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. 3. Red peppers Crispy and sweet red peppers add color and a delicious touch to salads and vegetarian dishes. Roasting them in the oven gives them a subtle nutty flavor that complements meats and other dishes. When baked, pureed, and mixed with other simple ingredients, red bell peppers make a soup that is nothing short of divine. Did you know that this vegetable has more milligrams per serving of ascorbate than an orange? The peppers start out green and then turn yellow, orange, and finally a ripe red. While all the color stages are delicious and loaded with potassium and fiber, the red ones give you the most vitamins you need. 4. Sweet potatoes The delicate flesh of sweet potatoes makes them perfect for roasting or baking. Enjoy them prepared as French fries or with stews. Sweet potatoes can be a delicious part of your family's diet and the best part is that they provide a good amount of nutrients. 5. Tomatoes Tomatoes are a culinary treasure that has been adored in world kitchens for generations. Can you imagine what your favorite salad, soup or sauce would be like without these tempting fruits? Tomatoes can be as big as a soccer ball or as small as a grape, and they vary in color. They are incredibly versatile and offer a substantial amount of ascorbate and other vitamins per serving. Your doctor may limit your tomato consumption if you are sensitive to its acidity, but they are one of the most versatile fruits. 6. Kiwi This is another exotic fruit that is rich in flavor and vitamins, including C. The popularity of these Chinese natives has spread all over the world, and you can generally find them year-round in your supermarket. Some people describe its taste as a mixture of strawberry and banana. Their vivid green pulp is smooth and pleasantly acidic, making them an excellent choice for salads, desserts, or drinks. Kiwis are often paired with strawberries for an original touch of flavor. Enjoy them alongside the skin to add fiber and nutrition. 7. Cantaloupe melon The distinctive aroma and flavor of this type of melon are instantly recognizable. People love cantaloupe for its lovely peach colored flesh that pairs well with other fruits and melons. Eat cantaloupe in crescent slices or use cantaloupe balls to create a stunning fruit salad. It is a delicious accompaniment to a cake or cottage cheese. You can feel much better eating melon due to its generous ascorbate content. 8. Kale Although kale has been a staple crop for years, it has seen a significant renaissance in the farm-to-table movement. This dark green leafy vegetable is a main ingredient in healthy juices and smoothies. The spicy flavor of kale, the green hue is a welcome addition to salads. It is also one of the best ascorbic-rich vegetables out there. At just 1.4g per 100g, try frying kale in olive oil for a great low carb alternative to heavy carb fries. Not only this, but you will get a good amount of vitamin C, kale contains around 110mg per 100g. 9. Chili peppers The indigenous peoples of Mexico and South America burned their tongues with chili peppers long before scientists discovered their high nutritional value. The ancient Aztecs and Mayans either ate them whole or dried them, ground them into powder, and used them in dishes. 10. Carrots Vitamin A and beta-carotene in these root vegetables have long been known to be good for your vision. Did you know that they are also high in vitamin C? Crispy carrots are delicious raw or sliced ​​in soups, stews, or baked with meat. 11. Sauerkraut Have you read about the positive benefits of probiotics in fermented foods? Maybe you've been learning how easy it is to make and add to your family's diet. Many cultures take advantage of the benefits of sauerkraut, like the classic German sauerkraut. Whether you buy it at a store or make it at home, crunchy sauerkraut will give you a powerful supply of ascorbate. 12. Broccoli Vegetarian dishes just wouldn't be the same without this popular cruciferous. Your family might also start loving broccoli by adding it to soups, as a side, or as a topping for baked potato. Fiber, antioxidants, and ascorbate are great reasons to encourage kids to eat broccoli, as well as being a great source of vitamin C. A popular dinner vegetable and a great source of fiber, broccoli also contains just 3.1 g of carbohydrates and 79 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. Try it fried with salt and minced garlic for a simple side dish. 13. Papaya Another tropical fruit that is low in acid and full of ascorbate. Multiple studies talk about the enzymes in papaya and how good they are for optimal digestive health. This sweet, creamy fruit has a nice hint of acidity that makes it a favorite for smoothies, fruit salads, and other desserts. 14. Rosehip Did you know that your own rose garden is an essential source of ascorbate and antioxidants to fight disease? Rosehip is the fruit of the wild rose that enlarges after the flower fades. These can be made into a delicious tea or spicy ingredient when grown organically. 15. Thyme Who would have imagined that a culinary herb would be a major source of vitamin C? For centuries, thyme has been prized for its mild flavor that enhances so many dishes. It has also been used medicinally for colds and other respiratory problems. Blood sugar levels can either be normal, high, or low, depending on how much glucose someone has in their bloodstream. Glucose is a simple sugar that’s present in the bloodstream at all times. Normal blood glucose levels can be measured when someone fasts, eats, or after they’ve eaten. A normal blood glucose level for adults, without diabetes, who haven’t eaten for at least eight hours (fasting) is less than 100 mg/dL. Gluconite Review
maya justin
Jun 29, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Not everyone takes sport equally seriously. More and more fans and popular athletes are opting for dietary supplements to achieve greater performance in the practice of their favorite sport and achieve greater general well-being. Food supplements are a great help to complement our increasingly precarious eating habits. Within this category, we can find some specifically formulated for people who do sports and want to improve their performance in one way or another. So, if you are an athlete and you are interested in trying some supplements that improve your nutritional intake, here are some ideas so that you can achieve all your achievements in a healthy way. At Amazon we find a wide range of sports supplements. Based on user reviews and top rated products, here is what we found: Organic Spirulina Premium for 165 days It is one of the best-selling products in its category, a 100% natural product made from spirulina that promotes physical performance and endurance in addition to preventing the symptoms of tiredness and fatigue typical of hard workouts. If you are not an athlete, it can also become your great ally to combat anemia or poor intestinal transit, and you can even use it to improve the health of your hair and skin. What more can you ask for from a nutritional supplement? Due to its versatility it is one of the best products you can buy at this time. It costs 19.90 euros and the large number of positive opinions (79% rate it with five stars) leaves no doubt: you have to try it. I have been drinking for 3 months and the truth is that I notice more performance in the warm-up of Kun Fu. Now I have bought the second pot. Vegan Fat Burner Combining the fat burning properties of L-Carnitine, guarana, coffee, and green tea with other supplements such as piperine or L-Theanine, this product promises to be the best friend of those athletes looking to lose weight. Its components have been selected based on their properties: it improves muscle performance and reduces fatigue, two qualities that, together, can even improve your mood. The capsules are vegetable and it is a supplement suitable for vegans, one of the reasons why this product is on the list of the best sellers in the store. You will find it for 19.99 euros, it brings 120 capsules and you will have to take two a day, so each jar will last you about two months. Prozis, pure protein with chocolate flavor The high concentration of this sports supplement, together with its delicious taste, has made it a consumer favorite. It is rich in amino acids and has 80% pure protein. With these soluble powders you can make shakes that will improve your muscle development and help you maintain what you have already achieved. They are used before and after training, and help to achieve the goals of those who want to increase their muscle mass. Protein, no more. In my case I have noticed that this protein works very well. I don't get gas, or gastroenteritis, which is the most important thing after all. I recommend always drinking it in very small gulps spaced apart and not finishing it in one gulp; in my case I always leave a minimum margin of 10 minutes of intake. These types of drinks do not usually have pleasant flavors, which is why Prozis boasts of its strong point: the chocolate flavor. Each bag costs 14.99 euros and you can find many other flavors of the same brand. Which one do you prefer? These are some of the sports supplements that you can find in the nutrition section of the Amazon fitness store. Be sure to visit it to find the best offers in isotonics, BCAAs, glutamine, and other supplements that will help you in your sports practice. One way to control blood sugar is to eat a healthful diet. Generally, foods and drinks that the body absorbs slowly are best because they do not cause spikes and dips in blood sugar. The glycemic index (GI) measures the effects of specific foods on blood sugar levels. People looking to control their levels should pick foods with low or medium GI scores. Stimula Blood Sugar
maya justin
Jun 29, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Spanish institutions have forgotten to encourage the consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes in schools and child overweight has become a serious problem that no one seems willing to tackle We often see news in the press and television about the " worrisome" problem of childhood obesity. Unfortunately, this news passes and, sometime later, it is replaced by similar ones. While that happens, Spanish schoolchildren continue to gain weight. Exactly like the children of Malta, Greece and Italy. You do not have to be an expert in public health or be a professor of statistics to realize that, faced with such a problem, there will be medium and long-term consequences on the health of citizens. Obesity is linked to many chronic diseases, from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes to cancer. To all this we must add that those who should do something to prevent that excess weight are not doing it well. Or they are even doing next to nothing. I will give some examples so that the reader does not have to limit himself to reading figures and survey data. I myself keep press clippings on the "serious problem" of cholesterol and childhood obesity. They are from 1991. At that time, the Spanish government took a report to the most important meeting on nutrition of the WHO-FAO in Rome in which it stated something like that “the Spanish population tends to move away from the Mediterranean diet” and that "something has to be done about it." Since then, the consumption of legumes and bread, for example, has not stopped falling in Spain, along with disappointing figures for the intake of fruit and vegetables, the basis of the Mediterranean diet. Much reaction in this regard is not that there has been. However, numerous studies carried out in the United States and in Europe itself point to the Mediterranean diet as a healthy lifestyle. If followed, it would reduce the obesity figures, drastically improve the number of diabetes cases, regulate our cholesterol, reduce breast cancer, hypertension and osteoporosis. But the truth is that Spanish institutions do nothing, or almost nothing, to effectively promote the consumption of fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and virgin olive oil in all areas. Especially in schools where it is true that school cafeteria menus have improved a lot. Of course, after decades of neglect, suspicious fried foods, sanjacobos and croquettes. For the same price, you adults try to follow a Mediterranean diet in your workplace. If you are a student, at your University. Or if they are unfortunate enough to be hospitalized or forced to go to live in a nursing home. The truth is that the Mediterranean diet, admired throughout the world, is practiced less every day in Spain. From schools to residences. And if adults don't eat it, we can't expect kids to, especially with the publicity and social harassment about the wonders of fast food, hamburger, and chewy pizza. Culprits and solutions Don't bother looking for guilty parties: we all have that fault at the same time. It is a social problem that requires the involvement of everyone, of all institutions. Ideas? That the corresponding ministries or the government, at once, obligatorily include a subject or topics on health and healthy eating in the school curriculum. In the 80s it was planned and ended up in a drawer. That physical activity in the school environment was better and with more hours. And that, of course, the children also did it outside the school environment. They cannot imagine the children who do at most two or three hours, the "compulsory" ones, of weekly "gymnastics" at school. Along with three hours a day, or more, of screens, mobiles and computers. That the municipalities provide sufficient and nearby sports areas for the residents. That in the school menu someone really supervises that what is said and signed in the contracts is carried out, and that where it says "vegetable stew" there is real vegetables and not four scattered peas and three pieces of carrot that the child does not even eat. That in hospitals and health centers there should be nutritionists to advise and provide health education on nutrition for pregnant or lactating women, schoolchildren and adults. Everyone knows that huge amounts of money and resources would be saved through prevention, but it seems that medication is the premium. Continuing to investigate and learn about such a complex and diffuse problem, which encompasses all social classes and geographical regions, is essential. Today, by the way, we only have partial statistics and studies that are too generic. Our own research group can tell how we have detected pockets of childhood obesity of tremendous importance in places like Madrid, theoretically a region where obesity is not very prevalent. Also that when in that Madrid town we have proposed a concrete intervention plan to the city council, the authorities have preferred to ignore it so as not to cause " social alarm”. You know about the ostrich. If we are really interested, as a society, in childhood obesity, the first thing to do is understand that it is everyone's problem, at all levels. And that it is essential to have a specific program, work to improve the situation and evaluate its effectiveness. It sounds very technical, heavy, "give me time." But we have already tried politics, good words and ineffectiveness and, believe me, with little success. There are a number of conditions that CBD is purported to help, although more research is needed to determine the potential effects and benefits of CBD. Some of the existing studies suggest that CBD holds promise in the treatment of a number of conditions including depression, anxiety, epilepsy, and sleep issues, among other things. Nature’s Gold CBD Gummies
maya justin
Jun 16, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Every woman has undoubtedly suffered from vaginal yeast infection throughout her life, even once, burning, thick vaginal discharge and pain or stinging when urinating or having sex. If you suffer from these symptoms, it is most likely that you have a vaginal yeast infection and it is recommended that you consult your family doctor. This can affect all women in the world, regardless of their age, and even some women get yeast infections all the time. Candidiasis In general, yeast infections are uncomfortable and obvious, especially when they're not being treated, and symptoms keep getting worse. However, it is common for some people to not realize that they are having a vaginal yeast infection or think it is another problem, such as a urinary tract infection, which can be the side effects of birth control pills or even which is the cause of irregular periods, or sexually transmitted diseases. When the fungus multiplies, it can spread to different parts of the body and cause all kinds of problems. Just as you may experience a vaginal yeast infection caused by Candida albicans overgrowth on the genitals, so can this yeast control your digestive system. This is like a form of internal digestive candida infection causing symptoms such as digestive upset, fatigue, digestive upset and food cravings as well as changes in appetite. Thus, then, vaginal yeast infections are produced by Candidiasis, this is a fungal infection, of any of the candida species, of which candidaalbicans is the most common. The yeast produces various infections such as oral thrush and vaginitis, these infections are common in the human population. For a woman to acquire a vaginal infection, she does not necessarily have to have had sexual intercourse, these types of infections can be produced by several causes. Causes of vaginal yeast Vaginal fungi can be produced by different causes, the lifestyle that different women can lead, is one of the main responsible. These types of infections occur when there are alterations in the organism of the vagina, and the yeast grows excessively, which later causes an infection. Antibiotics can kill normal bacteria in the vagina, allowing yeast to grow. Antibiotics used for acne, throat and ear infections, and even vaginal infections. Excess weight, various contraceptives, diabetes, pregnancy, HIV infection, steroids, and very tight underwear, especially nylon or lycra. These materials prevent the vagina from breathing, and trap moisture and heat are the main reasons why you can get a vaginal infection. How to avoid vaginal infections? If you want to avoid vaginal yeast infections, you just have to follow the following instructions: · Avoid douching. · He wears cotton underwear and baggy pants. · Remove wet bathing suits and exercise clothes as soon as possible. · Avoid bathtubs with whirlpools · Avoid antibiotics unless you need it. Correct treatment The vaginal fungal infections are treated with vaginal creams, pills or vaginal suppositories are ingested, your doctor will tell you which option is best for you. For some women it is really uncomfortable to introduce cream into the vagina, for them, the best are the pills which you can easily ingest with a drink of water. Some vaginal creams are sold without prescription in pharmacies or drugstores. If you use vaginal creams, it is recommended that you do not use tampons at all costs, as they absorb all the medication and you will not get improvements. It is very important that before buying any of these medications you have an accurate diagnosis about your infection, the doctor is the one who will recommend which medication is the most appropriate for you and at once you can take advantage of it to clarify all the doubts you have. I get vaginal yeast infections all the time. What do I do? Some women get vaginal infections all the time, especially around every month, just before their menstrual period. This has a simple explanation, and it is because at those times of the month, the PH of your vagina changes. Your doctor can give you instructions to follow every month before your menstrual period so that symptoms do not develop, your doctor can prescribe you to buy vaginal creams without a prescription every month or use creams and pills for a long time. Having vaginal infections every month can also be attributed to a serious health problem, such as diabetes, therefore, it is important that you have the opinion of your specialist. Do vaginal yeast infections cause serious health problems? So far, these types of infections have not caused serious health problems, but the problem itself is the unpleasant sensation of the infection, so it is extremely convenient that it be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. The vibrational frequency your mind produces is in exact proportion to the amount of money you are receiving. If you desire to manifest more wealth, raising your vibration rate is the ultimate method for attraction to occur. The difficulties most individuals encounter is they regularly switch from a high to low frequency. The reason, they begin doubting their abilities or fear they can’t accomplish the result. Magic Wealth & Success Obsidian
maya justin
Jun 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Back from vacation, back to school, bad weather and early rises. We tell you what to eat when you are stressed to survive with dignity. I'm a bit weird, I admit, and September has always been one of my favorite months. Even when she was little, she was one of those who were looking forward to starting school again, especially to be able to release new books ... some advantage had to be the older sister. But I know that for the vast majority September is a stressful month, with going back to work after the holidays, going back to school, with the expenses that multiply, with the shorter days and the time that does not seem to arrive, the coldest nights and the rainiest mornings ... And, in the absence of being able to stop the world to catch air and move on, today I am going to talk to you about what to eat when you are stressed, because sometimes in those situations follow the impulse to destroy all the calories in the fridge or all the sugar in the pantry is only a temporary relief that ends up doing much more damage in the long run. What to eat when you are stressed Lack of time and stress often go hand in hand, which often leads to late meals with little common sense. Believe me that neglecting food at such times is something that can pay dearly. So, I propose some foods that do not require excessive or long preparations that will be good to resort to when time does not give us more. Foods rich in tryptophan The meat of turkey and chicken are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that regulates the production of serotonin reinforcing the sense of wellbeing. So, a good idea is to dine on this homemade turkey cold cuts or just some grilled chicken breast. Other foods rich in tryptophan are nuts, legumes, eggs, and fish. Green leafy vegetables Especially spinach, which are rich in folates, a substance capable of facilitating the generation of dopamine. So, this leek and spinach omelette or these rolled spinach are perfect for the most stressful days. Probiotic foods We already talked to you weeks ago about probiotic and prebiotic foods and it is that strange as it may seem, intestinal bacteria can also cause us to feel stressed. In 2012, a UCLA study concluded that consuming probiotic foods such as yogurt reduced activity in areas of the brain linked to emotional stress. Complex carbohydrates Whenever they are whole grains, especially oats, they also collaborate in the formation of serotonin and are a good natural alternative to anti-stress drugs. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids We are pure chemistry, and at times of maximum stress our body releases the so-called anxiety hormones, which are adrenaline and cortisol. A good dose of omega-3 that we will obtain by including fish such as salmon in our diet will help us to counteract the negative effects of stress. And, of course, in stressful situations, we must not neglect the importance of a good rest and for this do not forget to go through the post in which we talk about which are the best foods to sleep well and which ones we should avoid. Cera Care Customer, Cera Care Customer Review, Cera Care Customer Reviews, Cera Care Customer Supplement, Cera Care Customer Supplement Review, Cera Care Customer Supplement Reviews, Cera Care Customer Supplements, Cera Care Customer Supplements Review, Cera Care Customer Ingredients, Cera Care Customer Ingredients Review, Cera Care Customer Customer Reviews, Cera Care Customer Customer Experience, Cera Care Customer Home Remedies, Cera Care Customer Symptoms, Cera Care Customer scam or not, Cera Care Customer side effects, Cera Care Customer Videos, Cera Care Customer Secrets, Cera Care Customer Capsules, Cera Care Customer amazon, Cera Care Customer, Cera Care Customer Review, Cera Care Customer Reviews, Cera Care Customer Supplement, Cera Care Customer Supplement Review, Cera Care Customer Supplement Reviews, Cera Care Customer Supplements, Cera Care Customer Supplements Review, Cera Care Customer Ingredients, Cera Care Customer Ingredients Review, Cera Care Customer Customer Reviews, Cera Care Customer Customer Experience, Cera Care Customer Home Remedies
maya justin
Jun 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
We make a list of the best healthy foods that benefit our body and that cannot be missing from your diet Knowing the properties of each of the foods we consume is essential to be able to have a healthy and balanced diet, aimed at meeting the needs of our body in particular. There are a series of healthy foods that benefit the care of certain levels of substances in our body or that prevent certain diseases. In this way, we can find products that strengthen memory, others that strengthen the immune system or that are responsible for purifying waste from our body. There are even those that help to have a better digestion, fight insomnia or favor that we have a smooth and radiant skin. If we can know what each food can be beneficial for, we will be able to obtain highly relevant information that will directly affect our health. Only then can we take what is most suitable for our body at all times, so it is important to know this list of healthy foods that cannot be missing from your fridge or pantry. Essential healthy foods in your kitchen Garlic It is curious that garlic is one of the foods with the most beneficial properties in our diet. And, as you all know, its strong flavor causes rejection in many people, and is often associated with bad breath problems. However, it is also configured as a product with highly healing properties. It is associated with benefits for circulation and respiration, as well as for hypertension. Garlic is also a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory food. Some tricks to avoid that eating garlic produces bad breath is to chew some parsley or mental leaf after ingesting it. And so that the smell does not remain on the hands? A little toothpaste, rinsed with soap and water. Infallible! Honey Honey is one of the healthy foods that has been used for centuries with medicinal properties. You have to differentiate between natural and industrial honey. Of course, the first one is much better, because it does not undergo any process and does not pasteurize, thus preserving all its essential substances and enzymes. Natural honey offers great benefits for memory, as well as for constipation or skin problems. Acne, scars or dry skin can be remedied thanks to honey, and it is also very positive for minimizing allergies or controlling the menstrual cycle. In addition, consuming honey also stimulates sleep and night-time relaxation, so a little bit of this healing food before going to sleep is perfect for our body. Broccoli One of the vegetables that are on the list of cleansing foods is broccoli. It is a vegetable very rich in vitamins C and D, and they also have high contents of folic acid, iron or calcium, among other minerals. Hence, it is very beneficial for people with high cholesterol levels. As it is rich in fiber, it promotes digestion and helps the stomach. Saffron Saffron is directly related to its benefits for memory thanks to the fact that it contains crocin and crocetin. It is one of the oldest and most used healthy foods. There are also studies (Melnyk JP et al., 2010) that indicate that it can alleviate and / or prevent the symptoms of some gastric disorders, PMS, depression, insomnia, and anxiety. The same study indicates that it could also help prevent cancer thanks to its antioxidant properties. Like any food that could have medicinal properties, it is recommended not to take it in large doses, since high amounts of saffron can make this food go from being medicinal to harmful to our body. Citrus Different fruits such as mandarin, kiwi, orange or lemon make up what we include as citrus. This group of healthy foods are very important to anyone's diet, as they are a great source of vitamin C. This implies that they are very good antioxidants, something very positive to prevent premature aging. They are also configured as the perfect products to strengthen the immune system, which prevents common illnesses such as colds or the flu. These are very easy fruits to incorporate into our daily diet, since some of these fruits are easily consumed as a dessert or snack. In addition, their low-calorie content makes them perfect to consume in weight loss diets. Tomatoes There are different varieties of tomato, and all of them are very important healthy foods in any diet, but very common especially in the Mediterranean diet. They are especially beneficial due to their high content of vitamins, minerals and water. Keep in mind that most of the composition of a tomato, more than 90% of it, is water. Its high antioxidants make it a food that prevents cancer, especially prostate cancer. It is also good for people with hypertension and their skin is very rich in fiber, which helps digestion. Tomatoes can be eaten in salad, roasted, with sauce, or alone, with nothing but salt and olive oil. Ginger Ginger is another of the healthy foods that we can take advantage of as a medicinal solution, in this case mainly to prevent dizziness and nausea. Although it can also be ingested to cut vomiting that has appeared for any reason, the truth is that ginger works better as prevention. Therefore, it is very suitable for people who get dizzy on travel or who tend to suffer from nausea in certain specific situations. A little ginger before undergoing a situation that causes dizziness is perfect to avoid them. In addition, it is also beneficial in relieving migraines and arthritis pain. Ginger is usually eaten striped, in salads, in teas, or in gingerbread cookies. Although these are the healthy foods that seem most important and interesting to us, there are many others with very beneficial properties for health. And for you, does a specific food work for some kind of discomfort or health problem? 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maya justin
May 31, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Mint leaves have been recommended to be used in reducing diets according to ancient medicine, Ayurveda. Even modern studies indicate that peppermint is a very useful herb when it comes to losing weight. Benefits of mint in reducing diets A study from Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia stated that contact with peppermint (smelling or eating it) decreases hunger. This study claims that consuming peppermint or even the scent of peppermint increases brain activity in the area that controls alertness. This, in turn, curbs the urge to be snacking on food, which, most of the time, is done to stimulate energy. Not only does peppermint increase the feeling of fullness and satisfaction after eating, it also enhances your senses of taste and smell. This means that you get more satisfaction with your food, thus curbing the desire for other foods. How to use peppermint to lose weight? Make fresh mint leaf chutney to include it in your reducing diet. If you haven't heard of chutney before, you may be happy to know that chutney is a spicy condiment of Indian origin. Many vegetables, especially green leafy herbs, as well as fruits, are used to make this sauce for use in reducing diets. Here is the basic recipe for making peppermint chutney. Chutney recipe for reducing diets You will need to: · 1 bunch of fresh mint leaves · 1 tomato · 1 chili / fresh green chili (or whatever type you have that is medium) · Sea salt to taste · 2-3 tablespoons coriander leaves (optional) - some people find mint bitter and add coriander leaves to avoid its bitter taste Instructions: 1. Wash the mint leaves properly. 2. Chop the tomato and green chili. 3. Now mix all the ingredients - mint leaves, tomato, salt and green chili, as well as coriander leaves if using. 4. Grind it to get your chutney. It will look like a green paste. It is not necessary to add water, as the mint leaves and tomato contain enough water to give it the right consistency of hot sauce. Now eat this peppermint chutney daily, with as many meals as you can. You are going to love the aroma and flavor of the hot sauce and also its ability to improve the flavor of your dishes and help you as the main ingredient of reducing diets. It can be used with bread spread or to make sandwiches, along with other vegetables. You can mix it with yogurt to get a great minty yogurt flavor for snacking. Use it as a salad dressing. You can practically have mint chutney with any dish you eat during the day. If you have peppermint daily, you can reduce your weight by up to 6 kg within 40 to 45 days, as long as you continue your healthy diet and daily exercise regimen as well. There are many different ways that blood sugar (glucose levels in the blood) can be affected and may cause problems with sugar control in people with diabetes. Each person reacts differently to a variety of things that influence blood sugar. People with diabetes should be aware of certain compounds and activities that influence blood sugar levels. Cera Care Customer Reviews
maya justin
May 31, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
If you're tired of feeling too full and bloated after every meal, you may need to know what steps you can take to reduce bloating after eating. Read on to discover some lesser-known tips that really work. 1. Find out if you have food allergies If you suffer from regular bloating after meals, you may have a food allergy that you are not aware of. Try to keep better track of what kinds of food you eat and how you feel afterwards, you can see a pattern. If you suspect a food allergy or a condition like lactose intolerance, see a doctor for an official diagnosis, from there you will know which foods to avoid. 2. Eat more slowly Do you feel bloated after eating your lunch during your short 15-minute break at work? If so, maybe it's just that you might be eating too fast. When you accumulate your food in your mouth, you tend to swallow larger chunks of food, as well as extra air, making it more difficult for your body to digest and process the food. Chew each bite at least 30 times before swallowing. You will be surprised by the difference this makes in how you feel after eating. 3. Eat more fiber Another common cause of bloating is that you are simply not getting enough fiber in your diet. If you are not getting at least 38 grams of fiber a day, you are more likely to feel bloated and constipated after meals. Try eating foods that are high in fiber, or try taking a fiber supplement, these come in pill and powder form. 4. Drink less soda Are you the type of person who loves to eat every meal with a glass or two of soda? If so, this could be leading to bloating after meals. Try swapping out your regular soda for water, tea, or another non-carbonated beverage at your next meal and see how you feel afterward. The carbonation of soft drinks can lead to gas bubbles from the drink and become trapped in the stomach. 5. Eat snacks with probiotics In addition to fiber there are other nutrients that can aid digestion, while reducing bloating. The probiotics are a great example, and you should be having more of these in your diet. Consider enjoying an after-meal snack that is rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, etc. 6. Eliminate salt to reduce swelling Sodium is another common culprit for bloating, when the body takes in too much sodium, you may also be eating low-fiber foods. Both of these factors contribute to post-meal bloating. Try to cut down on foods that are high in sodium like canned and frozen foods. Never add salt to everything you eat, there is a lot of natural sodium in food to satisfy your daily nutritional needs and by eliminating salt from your meals you will notice how you can reduce bloating. 7. Go for a walk Lastly, getting some light exercise after a meal can help reduce bloating. By putting your body in motion, you can give your metabolism a boost, resulting in faster digestion of the food you just ate. Just be careful not to go too far with your exercise right after a meal, or you run the risk of colic. If you find that your blood sugars often fluctuate from too high to too low (and vice versa), you’re on the blood sugar rollercoaster. To learn how to eliminate the extremes, you’ll have to do a little sleuthing on your own. Get out your blood glucose meter, and for a week try testing before and after a variety of meals, activities, and destressors to figure out what’s making it go up and down to stop it for good! Gluconite Customer Reviews

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